Project Description

We are currently at GHC-9.4.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.6.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again. A significant part of the development effort will be live-streamed on Twitch so that others can collaborate easily.

Goal for this Hackweek

Have working builds of GHC-9.6.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

  • git-annex
  • pandoc
  • xmonad
  • cabal-install


  • #discuss-haskell

Looking for hackers with the skills:

haskell ghc opensuse tumbleweed packaging livestreaming

This project is part of:

Hack Week 22 Hack Week 23


  • about 1 year ago: osukup joined this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons added keyword "livestreaming" to this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons started this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons added keyword "packaging" to this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons added keyword "haskell" to this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons added keyword "ghc" to this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons added keyword "opensuse" to this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons added keyword "tumbleweed" to this project.
  • almost 2 years ago: psimons originated this project.

  • Comments

    • psimons
      over 1 year ago by psimons | Reply

      I re-used the "update to ghc-9.4.x" project from Hackweek 22 for Hackweek 23. The goal is to update to ghc-9.6.x this time.

    Similar Projects

    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • #discuss-haskell

    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • #discuss-haskell

    New migration tool for Leap by lkocman


    I will call a meeting with other interested people at 11:00 CET


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    A tool able to migrate Leap 16 to SLES 16, I would like to cover also other scenarios within openSUSE, as in many cases users would have to edit repository files manually.

    • Leap -> Leap n+1 (minor and major version updates)
    • Leap -> SLES docs
    • Leap -> Tumbleweed
    • Leap -> Slowroll
    • Leap Micro -> Leap Micro n+1 (minor and major version updates)
    • Leap Micro -> MicroOS

    Hackweek 24 update

    Marcela and I were working on the project from Brno coworking as well as finalizing pieces after the hackweek. We've tested several migration scenarios and it works. But it needs further polishing and testing.

    Projected was renamed to opensuse-migration-tool and was submitted to devel project


    Out of scope is any migration to an immutable system. I know Richard already has some tool for that.


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    Project Description

    Create openSUSE images (or test generic EFI images) for Arm and/or RISC-V boards that are not yet supported.

    Goal for this Hackweek

    Create bootable images of Tumbleweed for SBCs that currently have no images available or are untested.

    Consider generic EFI images where possible, as some boards can hold a bootloader.

    Document in the openSUSE Wiki how to flash and use the image for a given board.

    Boards that I have around and there are no images:

    • Rock 3B
    • Nano PC T3 Plus
    • Lichee RV D1
    • StartFive VisionFive (has some image needs testing)

    Hack Week 22

    Hack Week 21


    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • #discuss-haskell

    New openSUSE-welcome by lkocman

    Project Description

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    My goal was to show Leap 16 in a new coat. Welcome app adds to the first time use experience. We've recently added donation button to our existing welcome.

    Some things that I recently wanted to address were EOL and possibly upgrade notification.

    I've already done some experiments with mint welcome app, but not sure if it's better than the existing one.

    There is also a PR to rework existing app (this should be considered as an option too)

    Goal for this Hackweek

    New welcome app, possibly with EOL notification for Leap.

    1) Welcome application(s) with (rebrand changes) maintained under

    2) Application is submitted to openSUSE:Factory && openSUSE:Leap:16.0

    3) Updated needles in openQA (probably post hackweek)


    Reddit discussion about the best welcome app out there.

    Github repo for the current welcome app.

    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • #discuss-haskell

    Tumbleweed on Mars-CM (RISC-V board) by ph03nix

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    Project Description

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    Goal for this Hackweek

    • Run Tumbleweed on the Compute Module



    Framework laptop integration by nkrapp

    Project Description

    Although openSUSE does run on the Framework laptops out-of-the-box, there is still room to improve the experience. The ultimate goal is to get openSUSE on the list of community supported distros

    Goal for this Hackweek

    The goal this year is to at least package all of the soft- and firmware for accessories like the embedded controller, Framework 16 inputmodule and other tools. I already made some progress by packaging the inputmodule control software, but the firmware is still missing


    As I only have a Framework laptop 16 and not a 13 I'm looking for people with hardware that can help me test


    Update 1:

    The project lives under my home for now until I can get an independent project on OBS: Framework Laptop project

    Also, the first package is already done, it's the cli for the led-matrix spacer module on the Framework Laptop 16. I am also testing this myself, but any feedback or questions are welcome.

    You can test the package on the Framework 16 by adding this repo and installing the package inputmodule-control

    Update 2:

    I finished packaging the python cli/gui for the inputmodule. It is using a bit of a hack because one of the dependencies (PySimpleGUI) recently switched to a noncommercial license so I cannot ship it. But now you can actually play the games on the led-matrix (the rust package doesn't include controls for the games). I'm also working on the Framework system tools now, which should be more interesting for Framework 13 users.

    You can test the package on the Framework 16 by installing python311-framework16_inputmodule and then running "ledmatrixctl" from the command line.

    Update 3:

    I packaged the framework_tool, a general application for interacting with the system. You can find it some detailed information what it can do here. On my system everything related to the embedded controller functionality doesn't work though, so some help testing and debugging would be appreciated.

    Update 4:

    Today I finished the qmk interface, which gives you a cli (and gui) to configure your Framework 16 keyboard. Sadly the Python gui is broken upstream, but I added the qmk_hid package with the cli and from my testing it works well.

    Final Update:

    All the interesting programs are now done, I decided to exclude the firmware for now since upstream also recommends using fwupd to update it. I will hack on more things related to the Framework Laptops in the future so if there are any ideas to improve the experience (or any bugs to report) feel free to message me about it.

    As a final summary/help for everyone using a Framework Laptop who wants to use this software:

    The source code for all packages can be found in repositories in the Framework organization on Github

    All software can be installed from this repo (Tumbleweed)

    The available packages are:

    • framework-inputmodule-control (FW16) - play with the inputmodules on your Framework 16 (b1-display, led-matrix, c1-minimal)

    • python-framework16_inputmodule (FW16) - same as inputmodule-control but is needed if you want to play and crontrol the built-in games in the led-matrix (call with ledmatrixctl or ledmatrixgui)

    • framework_tool (FW13 and FW 16) - use to see and configure general things on your framework system. Commands using the embedded controller might not work, it looks like there are some problems with the kernel module used by the EC. Fixing this is out of scope for this hackweek but I am working on it

    • qmk_hid (FW16) - a cli to configure the FW16 qmk keyboard. Sadly the gui for this is broken upstream so only the cli is usable for now

    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • #discuss-haskell

    Packaging Mu on OBS by joeyli


    Packaging Microsoft Mu project


    Packaging Mu RPM on OBS.


    Hackweek 22: Look at Microsoft Mu project