Scripts and recipes for setting up VMs with multipath and other compex storage stacks
a project by mwilck
Customers are using complex storage stacks such as LVM over dm-crypt over MD RAID over multipath over iSCSI and FC with LOTs of LUNs, and we're facing problems in that area which are usually very hard to reproduce. It's also hard to guard against regressions.
Wayland security review.
an idea by yfjiang
One of the significant advantages of Wayland is about security, to isolate input/output of every single windows, encourage non-root user running the core process, as well as discouraging root user running any graphical applications. The project wants to have a close look at Wayland trying to address the questions:
Boot system from Ceph RADOS Block Device
an idea by dmdiss
Write a new Dracut module which adds support for booting a system where the root filesystem resides on a remote RBD image.
Heart Rate Variabilty (HRV) evaluation with open source tools
a project by bigironman
What is HRV ?
Improve kernel crashdump upload infrastructure
a project by puzel
Kernel dumps, provided by our customers, are uploaded by Customer Support to ziu.suse.de and shared via NFS to L3 servers at which they're analyzed. This procedure works, but likely has room for improvement.
Improve the openSUSE infrastructure
a project by lrupp
There is a lot to do in the openSUSE infrastructure land...
Research telemetry for (open)SUSE products
an idea by dmacvicar
Most of design is done still with a embarrassing amount of data. Having released software for decades, we still don't know exactly what module is the most used, what workflows the customers are following, where do customers fail. It is all guesses and opinions.
netlink interface for ethtool
a project by mkubecek
There seems to be an overall consensus that the ioctl interface used by ethtool is a poor design as it's inflexible, error prone and notoriously hard to extend. It should clearly be replaced by netlink and obsoleted. Unfortunately not much actual work has been done in that direction until this project started.
openSUSE for Small and Medium Business
a project by kfreitag
There are a couple of interesting initiatives that make the openSUSE project interesting for SMB, such as
HelenOS of the <future>
an invention by jjindrak
I have previously implemented a major portion of the C++ standard library for HelenOS [0][1][2] as part of my master thesis. In this project, I will be adding
Jitsi for Hackweek
a project by rsimai
Primarily to support Hackweek, but also to gain experience for a potential future corporate use, I like to run the open source Jitsi in a SUSE context and within a setup that is close to what SUSE IT is doing.
Preserve SUSE's history
a project by fos
Project Description
Kill DMA and DMA32 memory zones
a project by ptesarik
Research how LLMs could help to Linux developers and/or users
a project by anicka
Large language models like ChatGPT have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a variety of applications. However, their potential for enhancing the Linux development and user ecosystem remains largely unexplored. This project seeks to bridge that gap by researching practical applications of LLMs to improve workflows in areas such as backporting, packaging, log analysis, system migration, and more. By identifying patterns that LLMs can leverage, we aim to uncover new efficiencies and automation strategies that can benefit developers, maintainers, and end users alike.
How green are we? Power consumption & AI
an idea by mhaefner
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment