Reimplementation of "quilt setup"an invention by jdelvare I would like to change the way "quilt setup" is implemented. |
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Trainingan invention by dguitarbite OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training Labs |
Generate branches in kernel.git and kernel-source.git trees to match provided kernel PTFsan idea by sleep_walker Current status |
Create tool for applying patches from kernel-source.git against OBS kernel projecta record by sleep_walker Sometimes we get from Labs team patch from kernel-source.git. It is nice as it contains not only patch against expended kernel tree, but also changes series.conf and changes file and identical patch is in GIT. Unfortunately it always leads to conflicts, tarballs need to be extracted and then repacked so most of the job is done manually. |
Automate Haskell Packagingan invention by psimons We have various individual tools to automate parts of the Haskell packaging process, like |
Create a parser for Training Labsa project by dguitarbite Introduction |
Boot system from Ceph RADOS Block Devicean idea by dmdiss Write a new Dracut module which adds support for booting a system where the root filesystem resides on a remote RBD image. |
Snapshots for jenkins pipelinesa project by ktsamis This issue has been blocked for a while due to time constraints so I want to take Hackweek 19 to work on it. |
Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's editiona project by DKarakasilis There are various home assistant solutions out there but all of them transfer your voice to some server for processing. This is a no-go for sane people although the technology is interesting and could be useful. There are various open source tools out there to achieve the same result but there is no turn key open source self hosted solution. The goal of this project is to implement a way to have a home assistant running locally - ideally with one command. |
SES 6 Installer scripta project by davidbyte take my existing buildit.sh script (https://github.com/dmbyte/SES-scripts/blob/master/clusterbuilder/) and enhance it to be more of the installer experience needed. |
ClusterMon Wrapper - Pacemaker Cluster Monitoring that customers can re-usean idea by roseswe |
Generic retry command in openSUSEan invention by okurz MotivationWhen automating tasks often the requirement comes up to retry commands, for example when network connections are involved and commands do not return successfully immediately or if resources are temporarily not available. Sometimes a simple for-loop in bash is sufficient. Sometimes it is necessary to use additional waiting between retries, sometimes timeouts are desired. Getting all those combinations right can be tedious and error-prone so a generic "retry" command should be available in usual environments so we should provide a retry command to openSUSE distributions. |
Installation server setup utility - continueda project by csalmond Project Description |
Generic text file preprocessor using custom syntax for define include ifdefan invention by mdati Project Description |