write mkcloudcloud - a nested cloud setup softwarea project by bmwiedemann In https://github.com/SUSE-Cloud/automation/ we already have mkcloud, which can setup a whole SUSE Cloud on a single host for testing. However, it would be cool, if (instead of a single machine) we could use cloud.suse.de with its capability to add extra networks as requested. |
Explore RISC-Va project by clin RISC-V is an open ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) based on RISC architecture. It's originated from UC Berkeley and it's attracting more attention in recent years because of its full open architecture so every developer has opportunities to get involved in application processor design or apply it into different applications, such as IoT, Robotics, ... etc. |
Learn about kubernetes by creating a k3s HA setupa project by rsimai This is mostly a learning activity for myself, others may benefit from documentation. |
Updating openSUSE Factory packagesa project by pluskalm Project Description |
Rust based mini webserver with all the modern bells and whistlesa project by darix Project Description |
PXEAT - A PXE management toola project by whdu PXEAT (stand for PXE Administration Tool) is a tool to easily deploy and manage PXE service. |
Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheetsa project by fsundermeyer DAPS is the tool used by the SUSE documentation team to generate HTML, ePUB, PDF, ... output of the SUSE manuals from DocBook XML sources. It uses the suse-xsl-stylesheets for this purpose. |
Learning & using Tensorflow to estimate patch installation times on SUSE Manageran invention by PSuarezHernandez Introduction |
Catalog for OCI imagesan invention by vpereirabr Project Description |
Big SUSE Event Bus (for SUSE services integration)a project by mdinca Within SUSE we are using various systems for different tasks. E.g. GitHub and GitLab as DVCS, Jenkins for building or testing, OBS for building… and the list continues. Some of those systems can be interconnected in some way. But not every system can do that, especially if you are behind a corporate firewall and some (I'm looking at you GitHub) have a quota. So wouldn't it be nice to have something like a Big SUSE event bus, where every event we'd be interested in could be queried or subscribed to? |
PXE improvements for QAMa project by pluskalm We kinda need more flexible PXE in Prague office, UEFI would also not hurt - so lets check what we can do to make it better. |
Learn Ca project by jsuriano DescriptionI have several future learning goals which require being proficient in C. I'd like to have this HackWeek as an opportunity to get better at the language and understand some of its advanced features like memory management and multithreading. |
Provide tools to analyze the life-time of maintenance and release requests in IBS/OBSan invention by psimons We need statistical analysis and key performance indicators to describe the lifetime of maintenance and release requests in IBS, for example: |
HackWeek T-Shirta project by abodry If nothing is changed, no Hackweek T-Shirt awaits us. So, taking the initiative, I am searching for other creative minds to collaborate with. |
New migration tool for Leapan invention by lkocman Update |
Waysettingsa project by dspinella |
Combine Hack Week and continious servicesa project by hager More and more customers use our products in mission critical environment. They have a huge need that things run smooth. With Hack Week we have the challenge |
SUSE AI Meets the Game Boarda project by moio Use tabletopgames.ai’s open source TAG and PyTAG frameworks to apply Statistical Forward Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning to two board games of our own design. On an all-green, all-open source, all-AWS stack! |
Create a library to extract and standardize data from Progress and Bugzilla (or other systems), and process them to generate metrics of performancea project by ilausuch Project Description |
Google Hangouts killer: WebRTC-based video conferencing systema project by ancorgs We have some internal systems for videoconferencing like Big Blue Button or OpenMeetings. But in my experience none of them can compare to Google Hangouts, which is still the best free (as in free beer) alternative for videoconferencing with integrated screen sharing. |
Showcase: SUSE CaaSPa project by Mzikmund Hi, We would like to make a new demo showcase similar to our previous LEGO excavators https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJdZ3kr2u9o |
Make Tumbleweed work on the GPD Wina project by aplazas The GPD Win is a Nintendo 3DS XL sized PC featuring a keyboard and gaming controls. Having openSUSE working on it would be great, unfortunately Tumbleweed doesn't work at all on it and Leap 42.2 is lacking many important features. |
Cosmic HA for OpenStacka project by mjura Idea is to prepare some advanced template examples for Heat orchestration in OpenStack, which will show: - how HA for VM guests can be used |
FuseML - accelerate your Hack Week ML projectsa project by stefannica |
Improving Jangouts UXan invention by IGonzalezSosa For some of us, Jangouts has become a tool we use everyday. It works (most of the time) and it helps to reduce the impact of having a distributed team. |