Rebuild Homelab for Work and Funan invention by jmeza DescriptionMy home infra is in shambles and I need to remedy this asap. I moved to a new to me home earlier this year and the Fiber/ATT Router is in the basement. For 8 months we've been working on dial-up speeds, no bueno. |
Dopsctl: An Effortless Tool for DevOps Operations.a project by khushalchandak DescriptionA comprehensive tool for swiftly deploying Rancher products (RKE, RKE2, K3s, Rancher), while also managing DevOps operations like DNS servers, proxy servers, local image registries, and more. It utilizes the GitHub API to fetch and deploy the latest or selected releases, while offering advanced features such as cluster data retrieval for health verification and a menu-driven command-line utility for TCP dump packet capture. |
kernel/livepatching: Make improved state handling API ready for upstreama project by pmladek Problem description: |
Add support for VisionFive2 board in Elemental toolkita project by ldevulder Description |
Multi-pod, autoscalable Elixir application in Kubernetes using K8s resourcesan invention by socon DescriptionElixir / Erlang use their own solutions to create clusters that work together. Kubernetes provide its own orchestration. |
ESETv2 Emulator / interpreteran invention by m.crivellari DescriptionESETv2 is an intriguing challenge developed by ESET, available on their website under the "Challenge" menu. |
Building an openSUSE-based Nextcloud containeran invention by eroca DescriptionThis project aims to create a Nextcloud container image built on openSUSE Linux, leveraging the upstream Nextcloud image structure while integrating the unique benefits of the openSUSE Build Service (OBS). The goal is to maintain compatibility with upstream while incorporating openSUSE’s tools, package management, and system utilities to ensure a robust and familiar environment for openSUSE users. |
Automating the Setup of a Disposable Remote Development and Testing Environment for Rancheran invention by jluo Description |