Build Kernel from sources - openSUSE wayan idea by asmorodskyi Find documentation on how to re-build openSUSE Kernel from sources and tweak some Kernel build variables |
Explore Djangoa project by djz88 Explore django |
Learn and research the ALP security frameworka project by bchou |
Implement a "Fuel Gauge" for Harvestera project by mrussell |
QJobViewera project by apappas |
Extend k3s-ansible to support new functionalities (or fork/create new one)a project by nicoladm Project Description |
Brew an IA-generated beer recipean idea by rtorrero This project has two goals: |
BPFTRACEa project by fanyadan Project DescriptionJust have play with bpftrace on some real kernel bugs. |
rust security reviews and cargo-creva project by jzerebecki |
kubedumpan idea by joshmeranda Project DescriptionDevelop a tool to collect runtime information about a kubernetes cluster. |