It can boot up from udisk/floppy. It was consider as a operation system, but it's so stupid as a OS. I use it to practice x86_64 platform system programming. I hope it will be used in commercial, but it always be use to stoudy/learn. please install it into KVM(I have a script to run it in KVM env).
Key technical
- X86_64 boot up
- X86_64 memory management
- X86_64 interrupt management
- X86_64 VGA display
- X86_64 BIOS routine
- GNU Toolchian(linker and loader)
- C, Assembly Language (AT&T)
Looking for hackers with the skills:
This project is part of:
Hack Week 13 Hack Week 14 Hack Week 15 Hack Week 16 Hack Week 17 Hack Week 18 Hack Week 19
about 5 years ago by jnwang | Reply
Hi guys, Hackweek 19 is coming. This time we will work on MMU enable - Paging. It should be a magical feature on x86 platform. @aburlakov and @coolgw will join in next week. so looking forward to your amazing achievement.
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