Implement proper RandR support in XFCE

a project by joro

XFCE currently has no support for monitor hotplugging, which makes it hard to use on Laptops with docking stations. This project wants to add support to XFCE to automatically adjust its display setup when the monitor configuration changes.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Automate zypp translations

an idea by mlandres

There are a couple of scripts and cron jobs on my WS which extract and merge back the zypp translations in the opensuse-i18n repository at It's overdue to bring this to our Jenkins CI.

Updated over 7 years ago. No love. Has no hacker: grab it! uses shared password for root on hosts.

an idea by osynge

Shared passwords are evil

Updated over 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

pmpman -> why dont we automate the music on our phone / mp3 player?

a project by osynge


  • My phone / media player has less storage space than my music collection is large. I charge my phone / media player via USB attached to my computer. I want it to transfer media to my phone / media player in a non interactive way.
Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Automate to save time for hacking

a project by locilka

Yast team has a great experience in automating tasks that can be done by machines in order to save time that can be used better. We usually use Jenkins for running these jobs.

Why to use automation?

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

NFire a new project to replace newburn

a project by lzwang

newburn is a system press testing tool. But it is out of maintained. And it is heavily integrated in ctcs2. So replace it with a new one.

Updated over 3 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Cosmic HA for OpenStack

a project by mjura

Idea is to prepare some advanced template examples for Heat orchestration in OpenStack, which will show: - how HA for VM guests can be used

Updated about 5 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️.

Management solution for openSUSE based on Salt-stack

an idea by dmacvicar

Saltstack is the only configuration management solution that does not look like a ball of hair. is a prototype of a Spacewalk-like console using Spacewalk as the server and client engine.

Updated over 2 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Make ruby-ui usable for YaST

an idea by dmacvicar

ruby-ui was a hackweek project with jreidinger to make libyui (YaST text/graphical engine) usable from pure-ruby without going through YCP. We experimented a bit extreme trying to make the usage of SLIM templates possible. It kind of worked.

Updated over 4 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Make sure bicho works with current bugzilla

an idea by dmacvicar

Bicho is a ruby gem to query bugzilla. I have received some reports that it is not working with current bugzilla. May be you want to learn ruby and fix it.

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Revive qemacs

a project by dmacvicar

qemacs is a nice emacs style editor by Fabrice Bellard (qemu's original author). qemacs is small enough so that it can be compiled as a 100kb executable, but also has a simple codebase

Updated over 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

YaST rake tasks tab completition

a project by mfilka

terminal has it, git tool has it, so yast-devtools should also provide it for new rake tasks

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

GCC aggregate tracking

a project by jamborm

Currently GCC relies only on the most generic alias analysis when attempting to track data in aggregates in interprocedural (IPA) optimizations. In the course of this project I plan to revive patches for using simple escape analysis to track all data which do not have their address escaped and use that information to track constants within them, analyze the impact on a number of benchmarks and submit them to GCC trunk.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Kill YCP Zombies by Compiling Ruby to Ruby

a project by mvidner

During the YCP Killer project, Y2R didn't translate most YCP operators and builtins into equivalent Ruby constructs but into library calls. This was necessary to preserve behavior in various edge-case situations, mostly when nil was passed around. The resulting code is often long and hard to work with. Example from SlideShow.rb:

Updated over 2 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

FOSS Bioinformatics

a project by jafr

Investigate the state of bioinfo FOSS (mostly interested in DNA sequencing and sequence analysis) on Linux (and possibly other platforms), learn some algorithms, learn to use the available software, find what needs to be improved and if time permits, start improving.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

HackWeek T-Shirt

a project by abodry

If nothing is changed, no Hackweek T-Shirt awaits us. So, taking the initiative, I am searching for other creative minds to collaborate with.

Updated over 2 years ago. 13 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Create the Draft/Concept doc for Studio 2.0

a project by mistinie

It's 1.5yrs since we've launched the last Studio version. Customers are asking about a roadmap, a new version... After discussions with AJ, Adrian, Alex, I want to create a draft plan/concept how such a Studio successor could look like.

Updated over 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Improve the supportconfig database tool

an idea by leonardocf

The tool, developed in previous HackWeeks, is mostly abandoned. The plan is to:

Updated over 4 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️. 2 followers. Has no hacker: grab it!

A SUSE template for Beamer

a project by leonardocf

Some people prefer LaTeX for creating documents and presentations. The templates provided by Marketing don't include one for Beamer

Updated over 5 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

LDraw for Linux

a project by jbohac

Project Description

Updated over 2 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Internal SUSE webzine

a project by cyberiad

The idea is to have an internal web page that mainly presents new SUSE employees or the ones you might not know yet. Other topics can be covered like reports about hack week projects or other interesting stuff apart from the daily work we all do. As a start there would be a questionnaire which results are posted on a web page.

Updated over 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Dice - A light weight build service

a project by sax2

The idea is simple. Dice is a light weight build service for KIWI images with full control over the build power by the user. At SUSE we have the buildservice which is the full professional version of a build service for packages, images and also products. As a normal user I can provide input and I get some output but I have no control what happens with my data, when it's being processed and where it's being processed. That's by design and works great, thus not meant negatively. I'm a 100% fan of the buildservice

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Check Out Redmine

a project by keichwa

Is Redmine good enough for manging projects?

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

x86 instructions decoder

a project by bpetkov

This is the tool I've been working on since HW11 and it needs more work. Actually, there's always something which could be done on it. It is basically an x86 instruction decoder with special emphasis on the kernel and decoding interesting pieces of it in order to help in the development of low-level patching techniques, among others. git repo:

Updated over 2 years ago. 17 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Moses machine translation performance tuning

a project by marxin

Moses is a statistical machine translation system that allows you to automatically train translation models for any language pair. Intention of the project is to tune up existing software, where a glimpse shows that majority of time is consumed by memory allocation, dynamic casting and other calculation non-related stuff. I would like to inspect many techniques (like perf profiling, GCC LTO, GCC profile-guided optimization, code refactoring, OpenTuner, etc.) which may bring really significant performance gain. Moreover, it would be really beneficial to come up with a cookbook that can be used by folk in general. If possible, I would like to create a step-by-step performance improvement graphs.

Updated over 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.