Combine Hack Week and continious servicesa project by hager More and more customers use our products in mission critical environment. They have a huge need that things run smooth. With Hack Week we have the challenge |
package inputlirc (or add it to existing lirc package)a project by wiederda inputlirc is superior to previous lirc input daemon as it can monitor multiple input sources at the same time. This is needed for some new remote controls that appear as two devices, providing both virtual keypresses as well as mouse clicks. Since I'm too lazy to always build the package manually, I would like to have it available for OpenSUSE. |
Take a stroll in dependency hella project by jgleissner While packaging node.js modules, which often depend on specific versions of other node.js modules, sometimes many of them, you easily end up in dependency hell, and maintaining an OBS project with a few hundred of those modules can be a tedious task. |
Personal Travel recording web applicationan idea by cxiong I want an open travel application to record my travel activity: connect time/date, photos, comments and thoughts (and many others) with locations and show them all in a map. My plan: |
fix performance problem in soundkonvertera project by wiederda I'm using soundkonverter a lot (my whole music collection is flac, but for the car or my children I prefer mp3) and it is working fine. However when doing mass conversions, building the list of files to convert can take ages. It seems the filelist is being re-created for every title added. Debug it and try to fix it in order to speed up this operation. |
Add test support to rpmbuild (and build service)an idea by dmuhamedagic Add test directives to the spec file which would instruct rpmbuild to run regression and unit tests for the package. rpmbuild should probably also get an option to run these tests. The interface could be exposed in the build service with the possibility to consider a package not passing its tests as failed to build. |
evince: personal pdf centera project by dliang [User] |
Package DAPS for Debian using the BuildServicea project by tbazant DAPS ( is a tool we use in the documentation team to create/validate/export/... docbook documents. It's currently available for SUSE and openSUSE systems, and I believe that packaging it for Debian GNU Linux would help both the DAPS and the Linux community (and me myself as I'm using Debian at home as well :-) |
sysvinit-basea project by wiederda Package a basic, stripped down version of sysvinit for emergency cases, so you can repair a failed system without interference. My goal is not to replace systemd with sysvinit again, but to provide a sysvinit-base package that does not have any dependencies at all and can just be installed on any system. sysvinit will only be used in exception situations by specifying the kernel parameter "init=/sbin/init" or something like that. The package will come with the binary, a minimal inittab and a basic boot script that does only the really needed stuff. |
Broaden image segmentation functionality of OpenCVa project by mbenes OpenCV is an open source computer vision and image processing library ( |
Android libvirt clienta project by cbosdonnat The project aims at kick-starting an Android application to manage libvirt-based VMs and containers. The libvirt build on android expedition has already been completed during hackweek 10 and refreshed here. Which leaves for hackweek to use libvirt-java bindings to use it. |
Investigate/implement the Raft consistent algorithma project by wanghaisu Investigate/hack of the Raft consistent algorithm for cluster. |
merge sikuli to openqa.a project by yfjiang Investigate the good way to put sikuli into openqa. |
Explore Android Wearan idea by aduffeck Being a proud owner of an Android Wear smartwatch (Moto 360) I want to learn more about how Android Wear works, what kind of APIs are available and how apps are written for it. |
DSLR Spirita project by JoeShang A set of DSLR remote controller, including: |
ESCapea project by sbehlert There are a few scripts around analysing isos and helping ReleaseManagers (and others) to achieve a great release. I'd like to see this all combined in one web overview, a kind of "Enterprise Service control ape" (ok, it's more an "Enterprise Control Center mokey", but that's not an acronym ;) ). |
Find Socket and Pipe Partnersa project by eeich For debugging purposes one often times needs to know the communication partner on a socket or pipe a program has open. This information is not |
Setup a jenkins server and made our ftp/http/pxe/slp server automateda project by zxdvd I want to gain some knowledge about CI and devops. I wrote a script to generated configuration files for pxe server and slp sever. |
GNOME Localization for zh_CN (Relaunched)a project by ychen GNOME is important to openSUSE and other distributions. I would like to help with the translation of GNOME. Mainly, the focus will be on the chinese (zh_CN) translation of GNOME 3.22 and 3.24 user interface. |
Leave Management Toola project by cachen It's a tool or website for Bej employee to manage his(her) leave days, then they don't need ask HR for each time. |
Bug Stats for upstreams in the publica project by zzhou Q: How many new bugs opened over time for a package? |
Package all available Qt-based librariesan idea by cschum There are many 3rd party libraries based on Qt. Inqlude collects them all. The goal of this project is to package them all, ideally automatically from the meta data provided by Inqlude. The build service provides all the tools we need for that and would even make it possible to provide packages for a multitude of Linux platforms and maybe even Windows. Interesting challenges ahead... |
Project MySelfa project by cschum The goal of Project MySelf is to build a system to collect data about yourself in a safe and private way, so that you control your data and you can decide what happens with it. |
Learn and help learna project by kstreitova I'm in SUSE for about a month and as a fresh graduate I had to learn a lot of stuff during this period. And there is a bunch of other things I will have to learn of course. Therefore I would like to use Hackweek to deepen my knowledge of various tools, processes, techniques or other packagers related stuff. However it would be quite a pity to hold the acquired information just to myself. So I would like to keep the result of my learning for further usage either by enhancing the Innerweb wiki, the public openSUSE wiki or by creating new wiki for packagers' purposes. |
Win32 non-blocking IO for qemu-gaan idea by kallan The posix side of the qemu guest agent uses fcntl() with the O_NONBLOCK arg. Without the availability of fcntl() on the Win32 side of things, I would like to see if I can come up with an equivalent mechanism for doing non-blocking reads and writes using the overlapped approach in ReadFile() and WriteFile(). |