openSUSE Landing Page Prototype

a project by hennevogel is the single most accessed page in the SUSE/openSUSE universe. With 1.5 million visits per month it generates 2.5 million page views and has around 500 people on the page at any given time. Yet it's one of the oldest, crufty pages we have!

Updated almost 3 years ago. 30 hacker ♥️.

Hack the Hack Week tool

an invention by hennevogel

This project is about advancing the tool you're currently browsing.

Updated almost 3 years ago. 24 hacker ♥️.

Get the new SUSE Floor ready to use!

a project by rsalevsky

The new SUSE Floor is nearly done. The core functionality is already implemented and only some basic features are left.

Updated over 5 years ago. 14 hacker ♥️.

Revive (web)pin for openSUSE

a record by lrupp

Which package currently provides ?

Updated almost 6 years ago. 12 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Obsolete Trello with Redmine

a project by jnweiger (as an inhouse tool) is very close to be a jump in replacement for (the outhouse tool). Investigate into setting up a redmine-board so that it has exactly (and only) the features a Trello board has,

Updated over 5 years ago. 11 hacker ♥️.

Kernel oops decoder

a project by benjamin_poirier

Read in a crash or oops-style backtrace and access DWARF information to output the current content of the stack and registers in term of symbols, and the the crash commands to dump/pretty print them. In other words, when looking at a crash dump, answer the questions "Which variable is currently stored in $rax? What is the structure of the stack? Which variable is stored at $rsp+16?"

Updated over 5 years ago. 9 hacker ♥️.

create openSUSE 13.1 images for ARMv7 and ARMv8

an idea by dirkmueller

Currently the last working images for ARMv7/v8 are openSUSE 12.3 based. Since then a lot of new features and regressions have been introduced, so it is time to refresh the appliances based on 13.1 and make them work.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Detect type of change in a project analyzing the log history

a project by aplanas

Use machine learning and natural language processing techniques to analyze the changes made in a project, and classify them in:

Updated almost 3 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️.

Learn the Basics About Creating Android Apps

a project by keichwa

What's about an app that helps you with downloading openSUSE documentation?

Updated almost 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

Persona openid for Build Service

a project by k0da

Build Service needs an openid.

Updated over 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️.

Postit Art Uber-Geeko at All-Hands-Area NBG

a project by jnweiger

The huge glass front of the Allhands Area facing Maxfeldstrasse wants to shine in Geeko-Shape.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Inqlude, the Qt software archive

a project by cschum

During Hack Week 7 I worked on an archive of Qt-based libraries. The goal was to easily make all available Qt libraries accessible to developers. Think CPAN for Qt. So I hacked on a web site and a command line client.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.


a project by pwieczorkiewicz

Wicked is a network configuration infrastructure incorporating a number of existing frameworks into a unified architecture, providing a DBUS interface to network configuration.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Create a tool to sync GroupWise calendars with a local radicale server

a project by cbosdonnat

I already have a [python script][0] processing mails received in the Calendar folder to get the ical event and push it to [radicale][1]. It has several drawbacks:

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Port the Spacewalk UI to modern web technologies

an invention by dmacvicar

Spacewalk is an open source Linux systems management solution. It is the upstream community project from which SUSE Manager and the Red Hat Network Satellite product are derived.

Updated about 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Linux System on USB stick

an invention by jsmeix

I like to have a Linux system that completely runs on an USB stick (read and write also for persistent storage) so that it can run

Updated almost 6 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

vim-plugin for expanding rpm macros

an idea by m_meister

creating a vim plugin, that expands this kind of macros into a new vim buffer by pushing a key

Updated almost 6 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

'Who's that guy?' - a floor based mini game

an invention by thutterer


Updated over 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Improve linuxrc/rescue system

a project by aginies

**Rescue system** has a lot of options , but most of them can only be set at boot time, first idea is too provide a way to configure them while the system is running.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Learning about Docker

an invention by abergmann

Based on the hackweek 9 project from Flavio I'm playing around with docker and Linux containers.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Climbing Ticklist

an invention by j_renner

Ticklist is a web application enabling users to record their ascents of climbing routes as well as to maintain their personal list of currently projected routes. My implementation went from working alpha back to pre-alpha status (~ basic things not working) while migrating parts of the codebase (knockout.js -> angular.js). The goal of this hackweek project was therefore to finish this migration and fix the basic features in order to make the app useful at least for personal usage.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Merge hermes into OBS API

a project by coolo

After the next thing to merge is hermes.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Implement Execution of User Scripts during Snapshot Creation in Snapper

an idea by aschnell

The idea is to execute user defined scripts before and after creation of snapshots with snapper.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Libvirt client for android-arm

an invention by lin_ma

The idea is to port client module of libvirt(x86) to android-arm. Currently, The project only plans to supoort kvm.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Work on my OBS packages

a project by lrupp

~> osc my pkg | wc -l

Updated almost 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.