Set up my RPi with MyCroft+Kodi as a lightweigt music player
an idea by zbenjamin
I have a RPi3 + touchscreen on my desk for some time. I'd like to play with Kodi + Mycroft to create some sort of OSS Alexa to connect to my bluetooth speaker.
Prototype a new libzypp API
an idea by zbenjamin
We had the idea of a event based, non blocking libzypp API. Would be nice to iron out the requirements and maybe do some prototyping to see if the idea makes sense.
Make Ruqola Rocket.Chat client useable / submit to openSUSE Tumbleweed
an invention by zbenjamin
Update: Ruqola ('zypper in ruqola') is now in Tumbleweed and Leap 15.2!
Velcro demuxing software management
a project by zbenjamin
Extend GObject based introspectable API to libzypp
an invention by zbenjamin
Explore C++20 coroutines for libzypp
an invention by zbenjamin
I'm going to explore how to work with C++ 20 coroutines and if it is possible