

Learn to speak, read and write German

an invention by cjschroder2

My German reading and speaking skills suck. I've forgotten everything except "Mehr Bier, bitte". A week of intensive immersion ought to enable me to order food as well. And converse with my German team members. Especially when we go out for meals and drinks.

Updated about 3 years ago. 16 hacker ♥️.

git-based mail client

an idea by KGronlund

I want to create a more modern mail storage format, which leverages git and tagging instead of folders to manage my mail.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower. Has no hacker: grab it!

Design the 2021 Open Build Service sticker

a project by hennevogel


2019 sticker

Updated about 3 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • over 6 years ago: slunkad liked Design the 2021 Open Build Service sticker
  • over 6 years ago: slunkad liked git-based mail client
  • over 6 years ago: slunkad liked Learn to speak, read and write German
  • over 6 years ago: slunkad started Create custom openSUSE image for magnum
  • over 6 years ago: slunkad originated Create custom openSUSE image for magnum