Warp speed for virtualization CI testing
a project by jfehlig
The virtualization team's automated testing has a long history. It was born in the old Novell Integration Test framework. The virtualization lab ran an instance of this framework for many years. Over time, those who knew the framework left the company, taking their knowledge and leaving little documentation behind. As our testing needs increased, we found the old framework insufficient, but saw little value in improving it given the available open source CI frameworks.
Setup a jenkins server and made our ftp/http/pxe/slp server automated
a project by zxdvd
I want to gain some knowledge about CI and devops. I wrote a script to generated configuration files for pxe server and slp sever.
Investigate and model Ceph cluster performance
a project by LarsMB
Predicting the non-functional properties of a Ceph cluster can be quite difficult. There are many inputs in the hardware setup and software configuration that affect the resulting availability, reliability and performance (latency and throughput at nominal levels and during degraded and rebuild times).
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment