The virtualization team's automated testing has a long history. It was born in the old Novell Integration Test framework. The virtualization lab ran an instance of this framework for many years. Over time, those who knew the framework left the company, taking their knowledge and leaving little documentation behind. As our testing needs increased, we found the old framework insufficient, but saw little value in improving it given the available open source CI frameworks.

Before burying ourselves in SLE12 development, we took some time to move our automated tests under control of a Jenkins instance running in our lab. Tests were configured to run when new packages landed in our SLE12 devel project, ensuring our queued SLE12 submissions were continuously tested. But more is needed.

The purpose of the project is to improve CI testing of the popular virtualizers we use at SUSE - KVM, Xen, and LXC. E.g. automated testing of PCI and USB passthrough, better migration tests, testing on more distros (SLE11 SP3, SLE12, openSUSE13.1, openSUSE Factory), testing various combination of image formats, cache modes, backend driver types, etc.

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  • almost 10 years ago: mlatimer liked this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: oholecek liked this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: a_faerber liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: qakapil liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: LarsMB liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: xgonzo liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: mlatimer started this project.
  • about 10 years ago: jfehlig originated this project.

  • Comments

    • mlatimer
      about 10 years ago by mlatimer | Reply

      Better add virt-v2v to the list of things that need to be tested. ;)

      Also, one of the goals of this project should be to increase performance of these tests by adding parallel guest installations. We should be able to finish many more tests with such a change.

    • jfehlig
      almost 10 years ago by jfehlig | Reply

      We've been making some progress! Mike has managed to get parallel guest installations working. Jim has fixed and enabled PCI passthrough testing in libvirt-tck. Both are working on fixing TCK tests under Xen.

      • mlatimer
        almost 10 years ago by mlatimer | Reply

        Definitely making progress! A full 'supported guests' qa test run tests nearly 50 guest installations. Prior to this work, this test would take about 12 hours. Using 8 worker threads, the same test can complete in about 4 hours now. Our stage test performs 11 installation. The time for this test has been reduced from over 4 hours, to well under 2 hours. Talk about warp speed! :)

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