Optimize packing of objects required for migration to new container
a project by vuntz
Moving objects to a new container is a problem everyone in R&D has faced at least once in his life. It requires a very advanced algorithm to pack the many different objects (which are generally heterogeneous, with different uses, types, weights and sizes), before the packs can then be transferred to the new container, generally through a dedicated bus. We can identify some usual cases:
Chef Cookbook Attributes file documentation parser
a project by iartarisi
Write a tool to generate documentation (README.md) from chef cookbook attributes files including the comments that describe the attributes. The goal is to use this with the openstack chef cookbooks from https://github.com/stackforge/ and maybe integrate it the upstream Gerrit as a Jenkins job.
Modify the Line6 kernel driver
an invention by mseidl81
I want to modify the driver so that it:
- a) supports newer hardware