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over 8 years ago: eeich started Port supportconfig to openSUSE
about 9 years ago: eeich started Research Testing Tools for GFX Stack & how they can be used in openQA
about 9 years ago: eeich originated Research Testing Tools for GFX Stack & how they can be used in openQA
almost 10 years ago: eeich started Set up a PXEboot service for installation in Developlent Networks in the SUSE Nuernberg Office
almost 10 years ago: eeich originated Port supportconfig to openSUSE
almost 10 years ago: eeich originated Create evdev Event Recorder & Playback Driver
almost 10 years ago: eeich originated Set up a PXEboot service for installation in Developlent Networks in the SUSE Nuernberg Office
over 10 years ago: eeich started Find Socket and Pipe Partners
over 10 years ago: eeich originated Find Socket and Pipe Partners