There are numerous testing tools for the GFX stack available - the oldes being the xtest suite. At the same time, we are still lacking automated test environments for the funktionalities of DRM, Mesa and X. Ideally the tests should be performed automatically and unattended and the results should be compared to previous runs to detect regressions.

Research what tools exist to date and how they can be employed.

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Hack Week 13


  • over 9 years ago: mlin7442 liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: RBrownSUSE liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: sndirsch liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: oholecek liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: eeich started this project.
  • over 9 years ago: eeich originated this project.

  • Comments

    • RBrownSUSE
      over 9 years ago by RBrownSUSE | Reply

      QA have already ordered a few of these -

      These would allow openQA's existing VNC backend to review the output being presented via one of these ipeps IP KVM devices

      In theory, this would let us test any real output from any real VGA adaptor.. I'd love to see any alternatives you come up with though

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