
I'd like to have the release process defined in markdown/git and use it as a source for process creation in redmine.

openSUSE Leap Release process definition currently lives inside redmine, from where we copy it from release to release via the integrated copy/clone functionality.

The plan is to create it directly from Git and benefit from issues/pull request for the coordinated process improvements. The Tool which SLE uses to create Jira from Markdown is here https://github.com/opensuse/md2workflow, so we essentially need to add just the redmine support.

Reasoning I have really good experience with co-operating within larger team on the process improvement via gitlab/issues and I believe that opensuse would benefit from it as well. We'd set some standards such as "Definition of Done" for the task (when the task can be resolved). I also believe that this would bring more transparency in between community and Release Management.

The benefits were clear, process is more and more follow-able by everyone within the team and task instructions. Set and enforce some process standards via git hooks/github ci, e.g. every task needs to self-contain definition of done. And it could be easy to unify some process steps between leap and SLE.

Useful links:

Current improvement backlog for the SLE process. https://gitlab.suse.de/sle-prjmgr/release-management-checklist/issues

SLE-12-SP5 process overview in JIRA https://jira.suse.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1441&useStoredSettings=true

Release Management Checklist documentation https://confluence.suse.com/display/projectmanagement/Release+Management+Checklist

openSUSE Leap process overview in Redmine https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/leap_152/issues/gantt

Tool which is intended to create both JIRA and newly redmine process (this would be part of the hackweek excercise): https://github.com/opensuse/md2workflow

*How can you participate? * Feel free to check available tasks with hackweek19 label: https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/issues

Looking for hackers with the skills:

opensuse leap releasemanagement python markdown github process ci redmine rest

This project is part of:

Hack Week 19


  • almost 5 years ago: okurz liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "rest" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "redmine" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: bmwiedemann joined this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: SLindoMansilla liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: deneb_alpha joined this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: bigironman joined this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: bigironman liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "ci" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "process" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "opensuse" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "leap" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "releasemanagement" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "python" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "markdown" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman added keyword "github" to this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: hennevogel liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: deneb_alpha liked this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman started this project.
  • almost 5 years ago: lkocman originated this project.

  • Comments

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Just a brainstorm github.com/opensuse/how-to-release sounds more sexy than /opensuse-release-process which is otherwise more accourate

      • gameboy974
        almost 5 years ago by gameboy974 | Reply

        I disagree : ) opensuse-release-process is simpler and more accurate therefore more sexy ; )

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply


    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply


    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      I've just created https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/tree/hackweek19

      People who want to help can check https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/11 which is a task to support redmine. We essentially want to replicate md2workflow/backend/jirabackend.py but for redmine (including task depedencies and so on). I could use a help on this one as long as people are willing to write some basic tests as well.

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      This is the task for initial import of redmine in m2workflow compatible format https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/issues/1

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      This is the task to create a tool which can convert redmine exports into md2workflow markdown files. https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/16

      All tasks in md2workflow and openSUSE Release process have a Hackweek19 prefix.

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/16 Was resolved. This unblocks bunch of other tasks. You can now export redmine to markdown (example is the attached single-dump.txt to the Issue 16).

      First task for myself is to replace initial tree with the output from lkocman@deadrat:~/Workspace/md2workflow> bin/redmine2md ~/Workspace/opensuse/openSUSE-release-process/redmine-export-openSUSE-Leap-15.220200205.csv

      Fortunately we can use --target-version to e.g. Chose only tasks for Alpha and dump them to the file and so on. I expect also a lot of issues without Target version set, so these will require manual placement to e.g. unsorted.md This will unblock more tasks in openSUSE-release-process

      What I'd really appreciate as a help is to create a simple ical integration. https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/17 This might be as easy as adding markdown variables (Start date: YYYY-MMDD, Due Date: YYYY-MMDD and Schedule item: MATCHING NAME from .ical) and simply be able to pair these with values from .ical file which could be passed as an argument to bin/md2worflow --env local (--ical-file FILE) example/my_project.conf

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Initial import is done! This unblocks whole bunch of tasks for

      Just out of curiousity I did try to import openSUSE Leap 15.2 instructions to JIRA to see how it would look like. Fortunately there were no issues/errors raised during creation.

      Stdout from md2workflow with jira backend: http://pastebin.suse.de/25600 Backlog: https://jira-devel.suse.de/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1492&view=planning&selectedIssue=RMC-2258 Kanban board: https://jira-devel.suse.de/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1492&view=detail&selectedIssue=RMC-2229

      (tasks states are random, data might be trashed in about a week or so, as this is a devel instance of jira)

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      The initial import ticket https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/issues/1 Actual content of the process: https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/tree/hackweek19

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Initial skeleton for redmine support https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/pull/22

      Can be tested by running

      bin/md2workflow --env config/redmine-example.conf example/my_project.conf

      or openSUSE-Leap.conf from openSUSE-release-process (branch hackweek19)

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Just a tip for testing api by using a ad-hoc container running redmine instance https://hub.docker.com/_/redmine ` sudo docker pull redmine sudo docker run --name hackweek19-redmine redmine sudo docker inspect hackweek19-redmine | grep '"IPAddress":' "IPAddress": "",

      grep redmine /etc/hosts redmine-local `

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply


    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Just figured out that I'll have to add python3-python-redmine to Leap :-) Meanwhile adding dependency on python-redmine to the WIP pull request in md2workflow

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Got working redmine session in redminebackend.py!

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      So I have the local redmine creation done. However I figured out that you can't create the entire stack of layers by yourself as redmine api does not support adding Tracker. It supports only .get() for this Resource.

      Therefore I can create project -> subproject -> targetversion -> (NOT tracker) -> task -> subtask Reansonable sounds to have setup of Project and Subproject in advance together with tracker. While targetversion, task subtask gets created by the tool. https://python-redmine.com/resources/tracker.html

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Essentially, Issue states, issue tracker, issue workflow and issue priorities have to be defined in parent project and then we can inherit it all. So that should not be a problem if you're not creating redmine setup from scratch, like I do :-)

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      I think I'm 80 percent done with coding part. Just small correction in issue relations and schedule integration. That would be topic for tomorrow.

      Last code is available here https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/pull/22 and https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/tree/hackweek19

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Redmine support is finished. Pull request was merged.

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Schedule integration was also done for both Redmine and Jira.

    • lkocman
      almost 5 years ago by lkocman | Reply

      Marking project as finished! Ufff... add-emoji

    • okurz
      almost 5 years ago by okurz | Reply

      just in time for the weekend ;)

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    2. Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap scritp, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator)
    3. Package management (install, remove, update...)
    4. Patching
    5. Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    6. Salt remote commands
    7. Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement
    8. Bonus point: sumaform enablement (https://github.com/uyuni-project/sumaform)
    9. Bonus point: Documentation (https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni-docs)
    10. Bonus point: testsuite enablement (https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/tree/master/testsuite)

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    • Automated Setup: Automates initial cluster configuration, including network settings, storage provisioning, special requirements (for example GPUs) and essential components installation.
    • Ongoing Maintenance: Performs routine maintenance tasks such as upgrades, security updates, and resource monitoring.
    • Extensibility: Easily extend functionality with custom plugins and configurations.
    • Self-Healing: Detects and recovers from common cluster issues, ensuring stability, idempotence and reliability. Same operation can be performed multiple times without changing the result.
    • Discreet: It works only on what it knows, if you are manually configuring parts of your kubernetes and this configuration does not interfere with it you can happily continue to work on several parts and use this tool only for what is needed.


    • distribution and engine independence. Install your favorite kubernetes engine with your package manager, execute one script and you'll have a complete working environment at your disposal.
    • Basic config approach. One single config.yml file with configuration requirements (add/remove features): human readable, plain and simple. All fancy configs managed automatically (ingress, balancers, services, proxy, ...).
    • Local Builtin ContainerHub. The default installation provides a fully configured ContainerHub available locally along with the kubernetes installation. This configuration allows the user to build, upload and deploy custom container images as they were provided from external sources. Internet public sources are still available but local development can be kept in this localhost server. Builtin ClusterOps operator will be fetched from this ContainerHub registry too.
    • Kubernetes official dashboard installed as a plugin, others planned too (k9s for example).
    • Kubevirt plugin installed and properly configured. Unleash the power of classic virtualization (KVM+QEMU) on top of Kubernetes and manage your entire system from there, libvirtd and virsh libs are required.
    • One operator to rule them all. The installation script configures your machine automatically during installation and adds one kubernetes operator to manage your local cluster. From there the operator takes care of the cluster on your behalf.
    • Clean installation and removal. Just test it, when you are done just use the same program to uninstall everything without leaving configs (or pods) behind.

    Planned features (Wishlist / TODOs)

    • Containerized Data Importer (CDI). Persistent storage management add-on for Kubernetes to provide a declarative way of building and importing Virtual Machine Disks on PVCs for

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    User Story

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    • Create a model from scratch based on data from openQA
    • Proof of concept for automated analysis of openQA test results


    • Use AI to suggest solutions to merge conflicts
      • This would need a merge conflict editor that can suggest solving the conflict
    • Use image recognition for needles



    Day 1

    • Conversing with open-webui to teach me how to create a model based on openQA test results

    Day 2


    • I briefly tested compared models to see if they would make me more productive. Between llama, gemma and mistral there was no amazing difference in the results for my case.
    • Convincing the chat interface to produce code specific to my use case required very explicit instructions.
    • Asking for advice on how to use open-webui itself better was frustratingly unfruitful both in trivial and more advanced regards.
    • Documentation on source materials used by LLM's and tools for this purpose seems virtually non-existent - specifically if a logo can be generated based on particular licenses


    • Chat interface-supported development is providing good starting points and open-webui being open source is more flexible than Gemini. Although currently some fancy features such as grounding and generated podcasts are missing.
    • Allison still has to be very experienced with openQA to use a chat interface for test review. Publicly available system prompts would make that easier, though.

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    • Pages can be written in markdown (which is automatically converted to HTML), but other file types are also allowed
    • Easy to understand and use
      • Intuitive, simple design
      • Clear documentation
      • Hot reloading
      • Binaries provided for download
    • Future maintenance is easy
      • Automated releases



    Drag Race - comparative performance testing for pull requests by balanza


    «Sophia, a backend developer, submitted a pull request with optimizations for a critical database query. Once she pushed her code, an automated load test ran, comparing her query against the main branch. Moments later, she saw a new comment automatically added to her PR: the comparison results showed reduced execution time and improved efficiency. Smiling, Sophia messaged her team, “Performance gains confirmed!”»


    • To have a convenient and ergonomic framework to describe test scenarios, including environment and seed;
    • to compare results from different tests
    • to have a GitHub action that executes such tests on a CI environment


    The MVP will be built on top of Preevy and K6.