I'd like to have the release process defined in markdown/git and use it as a source for process creation in redmine.
openSUSE Leap Release process definition currently lives inside redmine, from where we copy it from release to release via the integrated copy/clone functionality.
The plan is to create it directly from Git and benefit from issues/pull request for the coordinated process improvements. The Tool which SLE uses to create Jira from Markdown is here https://github.com/opensuse/md2workflow, so we essentially need to add just the redmine support.
Reasoning I have really good experience with co-operating within larger team on the process improvement via gitlab/issues and I believe that opensuse would benefit from it as well. We'd set some standards such as "Definition of Done" for the task (when the task can be resolved). I also believe that this would bring more transparency in between community and Release Management.
The benefits were clear, process is more and more follow-able by everyone within the team and task instructions. Set and enforce some process standards via git hooks/github ci, e.g. every task needs to self-contain definition of done. And it could be easy to unify some process steps between leap and SLE.
Useful links:
Current improvement backlog for the SLE process. https://gitlab.suse.de/sle-prjmgr/release-management-checklist/issues
SLE-12-SP5 process overview in JIRA https://jira.suse.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1441&useStoredSettings=true
Release Management Checklist documentation https://confluence.suse.com/display/projectmanagement/Release+Management+Checklist
openSUSE Leap process overview in Redmine https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/leap_152/issues/gantt
Tool which is intended to create both JIRA and newly redmine process (this would be part of the hackweek excercise): https://github.com/opensuse/md2workflow
*How can you participate? * Feel free to check available tasks with hackweek19 label: https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/issues
This project is part of:
Hack Week 19
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
Just a brainstorm github.com/opensuse/how-to-release sounds more sexy than /opensuse-release-process which is otherwise more accourate
over 4 years ago by gameboy974 | Reply
I disagree : ) opensuse-release-process is simpler and more accurate therefore more sexy ; )
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
I've just created https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/tree/hackweek19
People who want to help can check https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/11 which is a task to support redmine. We essentially want to replicate md2workflow/backend/jirabackend.py but for redmine (including task depedencies and so on). I could use a help on this one as long as people are willing to write some basic tests as well.
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/16 Was resolved. This unblocks bunch of other tasks. You can now export redmine to markdown (example is the attached single-dump.txt to the Issue 16).
First task for myself is to replace initial tree with the output from lkocman@deadrat:~/Workspace/md2workflow> bin/redmine2md ~/Workspace/opensuse/openSUSE-release-process/redmine-export-openSUSE-Leap-15.220200205.csv
Fortunately we can use --target-version to e.g. Chose only tasks for Alpha and dump them to the file and so on. I expect also a lot of issues without Target version set, so these will require manual placement to e.g. unsorted.md This will unblock more tasks in openSUSE-release-process
What I'd really appreciate as a help is to create a simple ical integration. https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/issues/17 This might be as easy as adding markdown variables (Start date: YYYY-MMDD, Due Date: YYYY-MMDD and Schedule item: MATCHING NAME from .ical) and simply be able to pair these with values from .ical file which could be passed as an argument to bin/md2worflow --env local (--ical-file FILE) example/my_project.conf
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
Initial import is done! This unblocks whole bunch of tasks for
Just out of curiousity I did try to import openSUSE Leap 15.2 instructions to JIRA to see how it would look like. Fortunately there were no issues/errors raised during creation.
Stdout from md2workflow with jira backend: http://pastebin.suse.de/25600 Backlog: https://jira-devel.suse.de/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1492&view=planning&selectedIssue=RMC-2258 Kanban board: https://jira-devel.suse.de/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1492&view=detail&selectedIssue=RMC-2229
(tasks states are random, data might be trashed in about a week or so, as this is a devel instance of jira)
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
Just a tip for testing api by using a ad-hoc container running redmine instance https://hub.docker.com/_/redmine ` sudo docker pull redmine sudo docker run --name hackweek19-redmine redmine sudo docker inspect hackweek19-redmine | grep '"IPAddress":' "IPAddress": "",
grep redmine /etc/hosts redmine-local `
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
So I have the local redmine creation done. However I figured out that you can't create the entire stack of layers by yourself as redmine api does not support adding Tracker. It supports only .get() for this Resource.
Therefore I can create project -> subproject -> targetversion -> (NOT tracker) -> task -> subtask Reansonable sounds to have setup of Project and Subproject in advance together with tracker. While targetversion, task subtask gets created by the tool. https://python-redmine.com/resources/tracker.html
over 4 years ago by lkocman | Reply
I think I'm 80 percent done with coding part. Just small correction in issue relations and schedule integration. That would be topic for tomorrow.
Last code is available here https://github.com/openSUSE/md2workflow/pull/22 and https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-release-process/tree/hackweek19
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