Improve linuxrc/rescue system
a project by aginies
**Rescue system** has a lot of options , but most of them can only be set at boot time, first idea is too provide a way to configure them while the system is running.
Validation of QEMU storage integrity
an idea by bfrogers
Spurred along by a recently reported bug, I'm producing methods, analysis and hopefully a validation tool to ensure data integrity of our storage formats and caching modes for QEMU storage interfaces.
openSUSE audiophile Squeezeboxserver + Squeezeplay
a project by aginies
virt-manager enhancement
an invention by lin_ma
The idea is about virt-manager improvement. It calls libguestfs to provide 3 features for virt-manager:
VI for XML/DocBook
an idea by tbazant
Explore the VI(M) editor environment (scripts, settings, plugins) that ease writing XML/DocBook documents, possibly DTD-driven.
Easily Deploy an HA cluster in Virtual Machines
a project by aginies
Maintain flow of virt between SLE and HPE Linux
a project by lyan
This is more like a learning project for me as a new hire, so please do not expect too much, :-)
Design the 2021 Open Build Service sticker
a project by hennevogel
SUSE Manager plugin/extension system
an idea by dmacvicar
Some of SUSE Manager features are quite vertical to the rest of the system.
Improve blender's skills
a project by aginies
Blender is a nice software which needs a lot of practices.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment