Projects in the topic webapps

My Epitaph

a project by aocole

Create a site where users can post their desired epitaph

Updated almost 6 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

RankWell: Markov Chain Generation of Yelp Restaurant Reviews

a project by ericp

Ever left a restaurant wanting to write a review, but thinking it wasn't worth the trouble to tap out all those words on your phone -- you just want to give the place your n stars and provide a few words of praise or condemnation? If only you could press a button to generate a plausible review. If this project happens, you will.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

grab this: openSUSE beta test program and web application

a project by lnussel

openSUSE Leap 42.3 goes for a rolling release model with automated openQA tests. That covers only so much though. We need manual testing too. In previous releases a google document spread sheet was used to coordinate and track the efforts.That's probably not the best method anymore.

Updated about 5 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.


a project by dmacvicar

After an internal call for help to take over deployment, I spend some time studying the code in order to find out what would it mean to take it over.

Updated about 3 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

The Team Dashboard Web Application

an idea by lslezak

Why a Dashboard?

Updated about 3 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Add a y2log viewer to openQA's WebUI

a project by cwh

Quite a big part of openQA is testing the installation of SUSE products. All of them are installed by YaST. So a big quantity of problems found during openQA testruns are YaST problems.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Evaluate mirrormanager (or mirrormanager2) for mirror management

a project by lrupp

As there is no progress around MIrrorPinky since 5 years now, let's say the project is dead and look for something different, which allows Mirror administrators to edit the settings of their own mirrors.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)

an invention by jreidinger

Updated almost 4 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.

Cobbler Angular Web Interface

a project by SchoolGuy

Project Description

Updated 4 months ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

WebUI for your data

a project by avicenzi

A single place to view every bit of data you have.

Updated 7 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.