Those working remotely or managing a distributed team know it: face time is invaluable. The former openSUSE team has been using to keep in touch and Google hangout to hold a stand up meeting every morning.

We like the Sqwiggle approach. Although the last updates have made it worse, the concept of having a peep to your colleagues' desks to know if they are there (even if they are working hard or just talking to someone) and the possibility of starting a video conversation just clicking on the face shot can do a lot in reducing distances (and in killing the temptation of working naked for home-officers).

The goal is to research the possibilities to create a system allowing:

  • Video presence (that is, a face shot of every team member smoothly updated every 20 seconds of so)
  • Video calls with "unlimited" participants

Everything should work in a web browser and switching between modes should be as easy as possible.

It's probably too ambitious to achieve in a week just for me, but I want to take the opportunity to at least learn some AngularJS, now that I'm more disconnected from web development since my switch to the Yast team.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

web angularjs video

This project is part of:

Hack Week 11


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  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs liked this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs added keyword "web" to this project.
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    • jafr
      almost 10 years ago by jafr | Reply

      "a face shot of every team member smoothly updated every 20 seconds of so" - this sounds really scary! 1984?

    • coolo
      almost 10 years ago by coolo | Reply

      count me as test buddy :)

    • aspiers
      almost 10 years ago by aspiers | Reply

      This would be great! As a remote worker I can really appreciate the idea of Sqwiggle's presence feature, even though I never tried it yet.

      I heard that at least one team internally has been testing which is LGPL - perhaps presence could be added to that?

    • ancorgs
      almost 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      Bigbluebutton is implemented in Flex, with a Flash interface and hosted in a svn repo. Quite far away from the idea of fun hacking to me.

      I would rather go for Palava: Ruby + AngularJS + Coffescript and hosted in Github. Sounds like something I can setup in less than a week and a nice excuse to dive into Angular. And I already know Ruby (quite well) and Coffescript (to some degree).

    • dmacvicar
      almost 10 years ago by dmacvicar | Reply

      We use BigBlueButton internally and kind of works. We are happy with it. Our colleagues in Italy suffer with the lag sometimes. Palava did not work. It is browser to browser so the bandwidth requirements grow very fast, unlike solutions using a server to multiplex the stream (with Palava you have one connection per participant to your machine, with a server you only have one connection and the server mixes and everything)

    • mlin7442
      almost 10 years ago by mlin7442 | Reply

      As a remote worker, this project pretty useful for me :)

    • Neyleah
      almost 10 years ago by Neyleah | Reply

      I am also interested in this project, but I am afraid from Beijing office there is nothing else I can do besides test if it works under limited conditions.

    • lrupp
      almost 10 years ago by lrupp | Reply

      Please check with cgardner, cwh and darix: they evaluated BigBlueButton and OpenMeetings already and shared their knowledge in our internal redmine instance. Just log in there - you are now part of this project.

    • chuller
      almost 10 years ago by chuller | Reply

      this fits my needs of building a telepresence bot ;) Count me in as tester

    • ancorgs
      almost 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      After some initial research, I'm focusing on replacing sqwiggle, not in replacing Google Hangouts, BigBlueButton or OpenMeetings.

      To actually join in something beyond testing, just mail me. In the meantime, you can follow my findings here and here

    • ancorgs
      almost 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      I already have a protototype (kudos to maxlin for the packaging tasks) that, beside some stability problems, seems to work with an small amount of people. I would like to stress it performance wise as much as possible, to find out the best possible configuration parameters (resolution, bitrate, etc). Time to contribute as testers!

    • ancorgs
      over 9 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      First test of the prototype (hosted in a workstation in Nuremberg office) was promising. The stability problems should be fixed in github (still not in the packages). So I'll call for a second test shortly. Join the project if you are interested.

    • ancorgs
      over 9 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      Final update. The demo (just a prototype, not proper UI or advanced features yet) is hosted at Since it's just a regular workstation and we need it for other purposes, it will not be available forever. But feel free to take a look. At the moment the demo only works with Chrom(e/ium) and Firefox Nightly (that should be fixed in the short term). Please, don't visit it with any other browser (it's still not very robust). Ping me if you have any problem or whether it works but you feel lonely there.

      Check this for more info:

    • ancorgs
      over 9 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      Just one more note (that I considered obvious but is not). You need a webcam (or similar device) to join. It's a video system after all.

      Properly formatted links: demo at tortuga etherpad

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