Port NeuVector zero-trust security functions to host/VM

an idea by feih

Project Description

Today, NeuVector only support container environment. It does a lot of security functions and many of those are actually not limited to only protect containers technically. Sometimes, we are seeing requests/asks about providing similar functions to protect servers & VMs. So, it is technically possible. Some of the zero-trust security protections are still pretty unique if we port it over to host/VM side. Welcome if you are interested to help and give it a try!

Updated 7 months ago. 5 hacker ♥️. 3 followers. Has no hacker: grab it!

Predefined app security policy template for NeuVector

an idea by feih

Project Description

Idea is to predefine a set of security policies for popular container applications just for example MySQL, Nginx etc..., with these predefined security policies, users can just download unpack it to use. No need to worry too much about detailed security settings/configurations for this application container. The policies could be any policies that Kubernetes supported and/or NeuVector supported.

Updated 7 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 3 followers. Has no hacker: grab it!

Research on Solar router/optimizer with Home Assistant

a project by fcrozat

Project Description

When you have solar panels and your home energy consumption is below solar production, you might want to store the energy (or resell it to your energy company).

Updated 7 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

OBS Studio for noobs

a project by FridayKetchup

OBS studio is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. As SUSE Ambassador I do a lot of video creation and editing. As Open Source Ambassador I prefer to work with (F)OSS instead of some proprietary standards in the market.

Updated 7 months ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.

SPA (single page application) proxy for OBS API

a project by adamm

Project Description

For many many years, OBS uses Cookies for authentication purposes. This is not really web application friendly and kind of insecure. For instance, all applications on *.opensuse.org domain that get a web request when you are logged into OBS, they get your authentication credentials too. Secondly, if you want to write a 3rd party tool, you can't just use another domain and do random API requests due to this legacy authentication method.

Updated 6 months ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Interactive Information and Support Portal For GRE

an idea by MichaelRalphs

Project Description: We would like to create an interactive portal tool that can be used by all employees where they can get information, support and updates on Global Real estate topics such as; SUSE offices, work from home, Health and Safety and security.

Updated 7 months ago. No love. 2 followers. Has no hacker: grab it!

WebUI for your data

a project by avicenzi


You have too much data and you are a data hoarder.

Updated 7 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Parental controls on Tumbleweed/Aeon

a project by fcrozat

Project Description

Evaluate the various parental controls options to be used on Tumbleweed / Aeon, pick and choose one or more (depending on the needs) and make sure they are properly packaged on openSUSE Tumbleweed (if not available on Flathub) and can be integrated on a computer for a kid.

Updated 7 months ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Enhance product migration feature in Uyuni(SUSE Manager) to migrate from regular SLES to SLES4SAP

a project by admehmood

Project Description

Currently, Uyuni(SUSE Manager) offers a product migration feature, but it doesn't support migration from SLE to SLES4SAP. Users are required to run a separate script to perform this migration, which may not be ideal, especially if Uyuni is already installed. Additionally, the script's requirements vary with each service pack.

Updated 7 months ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

Carveout time during the week to jump into ALP

an idea by Jackman1

Project Description

I will be working during the week of Hack Week but will use this opportunity to also spend time reviewing ALP on various hardware platforms.

Updated 7 months ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers. Has no hacker: grab it!