Project Description

Idea is to predefine a set of security policies for popular container applications just for example MySQL, Nginx etc..., with these predefined security policies, users can just download unpack it to use. No need to worry too much about detailed security settings/configurations for this application container. The policies could be any policies that Kubernetes supported and/or NeuVector supported.

Today, there are security policies being supported by Kubernetes like NetworkPolicy, there are extended policies like KubeWarden admission control policies, there are advanced security policy like NeuVector's L7 network policy, process & file policy etc... All these policies are providing functions to secure a Kubernetes environment. From end user point of view, it is good but not convenient enough to use unless users are security experts. So idea is, we could create many predefined security policies for many popular container applications, define these as a Kubernetes standard format like CRD extension just for example. Make these the building blocks coupled with the app images, so when users pull a container, a security policy can be imported at same time. The basic security settings (baseline) will be in place right away. If NeuVector was installed already then the enforcement is in place as well. Most of the users will have basic security in place by doing almost nothing. (of course, if it's necessary, users can still customize or fine tune the predefined templates.)

Security needs to be easy to use but still strong enough to protect, a lot of security postures/configurations/policies could be already defined when this application container image is created. These security manifest is different per apps but it is relatively stable per container as well. So, if we can create or generate security policy templates for popular application images, eventually make some of solid ones a built-in template, or even grow to be a hosted security policy hub. It could be a new critical way to secure Kubernetes world.

Goal for this Hackweek

Study this deeper, choose a few popular applications and make a prototype/demo to proof the concept.


Some of the policies might not be a good fit to be profiled as manifest. Here we will be focusing on relatively stable application security posture/configuration/runtime policies. Starting point could be look into these:

Looking for hackers with the skills:

security kubernetes containers neuvector kubewarden

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • about 1 year ago: amunoz liked this project.
  • about 1 year ago: heidi.bronson liked this project.
  • about 1 year ago: feih added keyword "kubewarden" to this project.
  • about 1 year ago: feih added keyword "neuvector" to this project.
  • about 1 year ago: feih added keyword "containers" to this project.
  • about 1 year ago: feih added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • about 1 year ago: feih added keyword "security" to this project.
  • about 1 year ago: feih originated this project.

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    Project Description

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    Kanidm Github

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    1. Rancher & Kubernetes Docs

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    2. Development Tools

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    Building and Installing the Plugin

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    1. Build the Plugin: Compile the Go program:
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    1. Install the Plugin: Move the executable to a directory in your PATH:
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    Ensure the file is executable:

    • chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-clone
    1. Verify the Plugin Installation: Test the plugin by running:
    • kubectl clone --help

    You should see the usage information for the kubectl-clone plugin.

    Usage Examples

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    • kubectl clone --source-cluster c-abc123 --type deployment --name nginx-deployment --target-cluster c-def456 --new-name nginx-deployment-clone
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    Screen shot of home page at the end of Hackweek:


    Day One

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    Day Two

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    Days Three and Day Four

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    • With this in place, you can single-sign-on between Rancher and Backstage when it is deployed within Rancher. Note this is only when running locally for development at present



    Day Five

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    Project Description

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    Harvester CLI is functional but needs a number of improvements: up-to-date functionality with Harvester v1.0.2 (some minor issues right now), modifying the default behaviour to create an opensuse VM instead of an ubuntu VM, solve some bugs, etc.

    Github Repo for Harvester CLI:

    Done in previous Hackweeks

    • Create a Github actions pipeline to automatically integrate Harvester CLI to Homebrew repositories: DONE
    • Automatically package Harvester CLI for OpenSUSE / Redhat RPMs or DEBs: DONE

    Goal for this Hackweek

    The goal for this Hackweek is to bring Harvester CLI up-to-speed with latest Harvester versions (v1.3.X and v1.4.X), and improve the code quality as well as implement some simple features and bug fixes.

    Some nice additions might be: * Improve handling of namespaced objects * Add features, such as network management or Load Balancer creation ? * Add more unit tests and, why not, e2e tests * Improve CI * Improve the overall code quality * Test the program and create issues for it

    Issue list is here:


    The project is written in Go, and using client-go the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact). Welcome contributions are:

    • Testing it and creating issues
    • Documentation
    • Go code improvement

    What you might learn

    Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:

    • GitHub Actions
    • Harvester as a SUSE Product
    • Go programming language
    • Kubernetes API

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    • Create a container where the game server can simply be started/stopped



    Technical talks at universities by agamez


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    For now, the scope is limited to Spanish universities, since we already have the contacts and have started some conversations.


    • Technical Skill Development: equip students with the fundamental knowledge and skills to build, deploy, and manage containerized applications using open-source tools like Kubernetes.
    • Open-Source Mindset: foster a passion for open-source software, encouraging students to contribute to open-source projects and collaborate with the global developer community.
    • Career Readiness: prepare students for industry-relevant roles by exposing them to real-world use cases, best practices, and open-source in companies.


    • Instructors: experienced open-source professionals with deep knowledge of containerization and Kubernetes.
    • SUSE Expertise: leverage SUSE's expertise in open-source technologies to provide insights into industry trends and best practices.

    SUSE AI Meets the Game Board by moio

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    A chameleon playing chess in a train car, as a metaphor of SUSE AI applied to games

    Results: Infrastructure Achievements

    We successfully built and automated a containerized stack to support our AI experiments. This included:

    A screenshot of k9s and nvtop showing PyTAG running in Kubernetes with GPU acceleration

    ./ and voilà - Kubernetes running PyTAG (k9s, above) with GPU acceleration (nvtop, below)

    Results: Game Design Insights

    Our project focused on modeling and analyzing two card games of our own design within the TAG framework:

    • Game Modeling: We implemented models for Dario's "Bamboo" and Silvio's "Totoro" and "R3" games, enabling AI agents to play thousands of games minutes!
    • AI-driven optimization: By analyzing statistical data on moves, strategies, and outcomes, we iteratively tweaked the game mechanics and rules to achieve better balance and player engagement.
    • Advanced analytics: Leveraging AI agents with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and random action selection, we compared performance metrics to identify optimal strategies and uncover opportunities for game refinement .

    Cards from the three games

    A family picture of our card games in progress. From the top: Bamboo, Totoro, R3

    Results: Learning, Collaboration, and Innovation

    Beyond technical accomplishments, the project showcased innovative approaches to coding, learning, and teamwork:

    • "Trio programming" with AI assistance: Our "trio programming" approach—two developers and GitHub Copilot—was a standout success, especially in handling slightly-repetitive but not-quite-exactly-copypaste tasks. Java as a language tends to be verbose and we found it to be fitting particularly well.
    • AI tools for reporting and documentation: We extensively used AI chatbots to streamline writing and reporting. (Including writing this report! ...but this note was added manually during edit!)
    • GPU compute expertise: Overcoming challenges with CUDA drivers and cloud infrastructure deepened our understanding of GPU-accelerated workloads in the open-source ecosystem.
    • Game design as a learning platform: By blending AI techniques with creative game design, we learned not only about AI strategies but also about making games fun, engaging, and balanced.

    Last but not least we had a lot of fun! ...and this was definitely not a chatbot generated line!

    The Context: AI + Board Games

    ADS-B receiver with MicroOS by epaolantonio

    I would like to put one of my spare Raspberry Pis to good use, and what better way to see what flies above my head at any time? add-emoji

    There are various ready-to-use distros already set-up to provide feeder data to platforms like Flightradar24, ADS-B Exchange, FlightAware etc... The goal here would be to do it using MicroOS as a base and containerized decoding of ADS-B data (via tools like dump1090) and web frontend (tar1090).


    • Create a working receiver using MicroOS as a base, and containers based on Tumbleweed
    • Make it easy to install
    • Optimize for maximum laziness (i.e. it should take care of itself with minimum intervention)


    • 1x Small Board Computer capable of running MicroOS
    • 1x RTL2832U DVB-T dongle
    • 1x MicroSD card
    • (dump1090 fork by FlightAware)

    Project status (2024-11-22)

    So I'd say that I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I've packaged readsb (as a replacement for dump1090), tar1090, tar1090-db and mlat-client (not used yet).

    Current status:

    • Able to set-up a working receiver using combustion+ignition (web app based on Fuel Ignition)
    • Able to feed to various feeds using the Beast protocol (,,,,,
    • Able to feed to Flightradar24 (initial-setup available but NOT tested! I've only tested using a key I already had)
    • Local web interface (tar1090) to easily visualize the results
    • Cockpit pre-configured to ease maintenance

    What's missing:

    • MLAT (Multilateration) support. I've packaged mlat-client already, but I have to wire it up
    • FlightAware support

    Give it a go at !

    Project links

    Enable the containerized Uyuni server to run on different host OS by j_renner


    The Uyuni server is provided as a container, but we still require it to run on Leap Micro? This is not how people expect to use containerized applications, so it would be great if we tested other host OSs and enabled them by providing builds of necessary tools for (e.g. mgradm). Interesting candidates should be:

    • openSUSE Leap
    • Cent OS 7
    • Ubuntu
    • ???


    Make it really easy for anyone to run the Uyuni containerized server on whatever OS they want (with support for containers of course).

    Cluster API Add-on Provider for Kubewarden by csalas


    Can we integrate Kubewarden with Cluster API provisioning?

    Cluster API is a Kubernetes project focused on providing declarative APIs and tooling to simplify provisioning, upgrading, and operating multiple Kubernetes clusters. TLDR; CAPI let's you define Kubernetes clusters in plain YAML, and CAPI providers (infrastructure, control plane/bootstrap, etc.) manage provisioning and configuration for you.

    What if we could create an add-on provider that automatically installs Kubewarden and deploys Policy Servers to CAPI clusters?


    • As a user I'd like to set a cluster (or list of clusters) and have the provider install Kubewarden for me.
    • As a user I'd like to set what policies must be enforced for a cluster (or list of clusters).


    • Cluster API:
    • Kubewarden: