Project Description: We would like to create an interactive portal tool that can be used by all employees where they can get information, support and updates on Global Real estate topics such as; SUSE offices, work from home, Health and Safety and security. We will look to build off what has been done in the past on SharePoint and a previous Hack Week project to create a helpful, visual, and user-friendly tool. We are starting this project to help make accessing this information easier for all employees, currently there is no clear source for all this information.

Goal for this Hackweek: • Build off a previous Hack Week project to create interactive floorplans of each commercial office. • Create a landing page where you can navigate to the new floorplans or the other information we look to include. This will also be a place for GRE announcements.

Resources: The interactive floor plan of the Nuremberg office. GRE SharePoint Site.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • over 1 year ago: MichaelRalphs originated this project.

  • Comments

    • digitaltomm
      over 1 year ago by digitaltomm | Reply

      What do you think about getting that integrated into ? It already has a people search, team structures, and interactive floor plans for SUSE offices (see eg.

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