picture-book: Registry Mirror server / image sync'er

an invention by HarrisonWAffel

Updated about 2 years ago. No love. 1 follower.

clsr (Command Line Spaced Repetition) Learning Tool

an invention by adam.pickering

Project Description

Updated about 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Support listing resources for hierarchical namespaces in Kubernetes

an invention by comurphy

Updated almost 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

image-tools: simple tool for mirror/save/load container images & KDM and chart image list generator.

an invention by StarryWang

Updated about 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Deploy Uyuni proxy using Elemental and Fleet

an invention by cbosdonnat

Project Description

Updated about 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

openSUSE 12.1 DVD Art

an invention by tserong

I have three hundred and eighty four openSUSE 12.1 DVDs. Given 12.1 went end of life almost ten years ago, it seems likely these DVDs are useless. Rather than toss them out I've decided to try to turn them into some form of art.

Updated about 2 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Encrypted volumes in elemental-toolkit

an invention by flonnegren

Updated about 2 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Algorithm Visualizer

an invention by agraul

Updated about 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Elemental Operator: support hosts without TPM

an invention by fgiudici

Updated about 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Real-time container runtime support

an invention by a_faerber

Updated about 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 3 followers.