Learn Rust by writing an IRC bouncer

a project by IGonzalezSosa

A good way of getting to know a new programming language is... writing some code. So although there are some good IRC bouncers, like ZNC, we want to write another one just for learning.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 9 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Sipario, less mobile phone, more social interactions

an invention by baldarn

Mobile phone usage is addictive. There are adults addicted, but a huge problem is kids addiction

Updated 3 months ago. 15 hacker ♥️. 6 followers.

Learn Rust from scratch

a project by pherranz

Project Description

As I do not work as a developer per se, I love developing new code and learning new technologies that arise in this world. The Rust language is defined as Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language. Rust emphasizes performance, type safety, and concurrency.

Updated over 2 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. 7 followers.

Get the new SUSE Floor ready to use!

a project by rsalevsky

The new SUSE Floor is nearly done. The core functionality is already implemented and only some basic features are left.

Updated over 5 years ago. 14 hacker ♥️.

Trivialine - an Online Multiplayer Trivia

a project by cyntss

Updated about 3 years ago. 11 hacker ♥️.

early stage kdump support

a project by mbrugger

Updated 4 months ago. 17 hacker ♥️. 12 followers.

Video presence system for distributed teams

a project by ancorgs

Those working remotely or managing a distributed team know it: face time is invaluable. The former openSUSE team has been using http://sqwiggle.com to keep in touch and Google hangout to hold a stand up meeting every morning.

Updated over 5 years ago. 18 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

openSUSE Landing Page Prototype

a project by hennevogel

www.opensuse.org is the single most accessed page in the SUSE/openSUSE universe. With 1.5 million visits per month it generates 2.5 million page views and has around 500 people on the page at any given time. Yet it's one of the oldest, crufty pages we have!

Updated about 3 years ago. 30 hacker ♥️.

Learn network related knowledge

a project by XGWang0

Project Description

Updated over 2 years ago. No love. 4 followers.

Project Verifree : internal key server(s)

a project by mcaj

Project description

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 7 followers.