Review SCC team internal development processesan invention by calmeidadeoliveira DescriptionSCC team processes do need a full review, and as there is not enough time left to do such activity during the week, I plan to do it during hackweek. |
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorna project by mbrookhuis |
OIDC Loginproxya project by toe DescriptionReverse proxies can be a useful option to separate authentication logic from application logic. SUSE and openSUSE use "loginproxies" as an authentication layer in front of several services. |
Measuring electricity consumption of PC running on openSUSE with Shelly PM Mini Gen 3a project by bzoltan1 DescriptionI would like to measure how various services and their software updates in openSUSE TW impact the power consumption of a PC |
Finish gfxprim application multiplexor (window manager)an invention by metan Project Description |
SUSE KVM Best Practicesa project by roseswe DescriptionSUSE Best Practices around KVM, especially for SAP workloads. Early Google presentation already made from various customer projects and SUSE sources. |
Hack on rich terminal user interfacesan invention by amanzini DescriptionTUIs (Textual User Interface) are a big classic of our daily workflow. |
util-linux-testsuitea project by sbrabec DescriptionThe current util-linux package contains a lot of tests. These tests are called during the build process. But the build environment is limited, and many of the tests cannot be ran properly. |
Hack robotic vacuum cleaneran invention by frantisek.simorda DescriptionGet rid of factory cloud integration of robotic vacuum cleaner and install Valetudo |
Sustainable/efficient use of hardware in datacentersan idea by okurz MotivationWe have many machines and server hardware in our SUSE datacenters meaning physical hardware using electrical power. |
Get used to IM Bots (Telegram)an invention by holgisms DescriptionI'd like to send regular information to IM channels. So I thought I'll look into bots to do that in an automated fashion. Looks like Telegram is a easy place to start. |
Check hardware bits and pieces lying around herea project by keichwa DescriptionNew and old private hardware is still around here. Some items I want to use, others I want to get rid of. |
fork & exec operations though io_uringa project by gbertazi Description |
Build a Linear Solver for a toy variant of Heads Up No-Limit Hold Ema project by BLandorff DescriptionI want to play around with a restricted/toy variant of Heads Up No Limit Hold Em (fixed stack sizes, limited options of Check/Fold/Bet Fixed/Raise Fixed/All-In, etc.) |
USB storage plumbing for the Linux Kernel Libraryan invention by dmdiss This project builds on my previous efforts to plumb the Linux Kernel Library (LKL) into USB storage devices. This time I plan on mostly ignoring Android and will instead focus on lklfuse USB support. |
Lawndon - Recycled electric mower converted into a 3D printable and autonomous hill climbing invention by jordonleach Description |
Emulate a 68k on x86a project by BLandorff DescriptionIn C++ and x86 assembly, build an Emulator for Motorola 68000. |
gnome-kiosk runs in containeran invention by xiaoguang_wang DescriptionBuild a container with gnome-kiosk running on wayland, and it can run with the firefox kiosk container. |
Explore possibilities of automate Linux on s390x LPAR installationa project by mgriessmeier DescriptionFollow up with exploring ways to automate installations of Linux on s390x LPARs to be able to test it automatically and integrate it ultimately into openQA as (part of) a backend |
Refresh Python landing page on the openSUSE wiki.a project by mcalabkova Description |
Try react-flow for SUSE Observability visualizera project by aovechkin Description |
[Agama] Investigate to shorten s390x URL on O3 to avoid character limita project by leli DescriptionThere is a character limit of <=80 characters in s390x, for OSD we workaround this problem using a url shortener, like but we don't have anything equivalent for O3. Some colleagues recommended but some initial test showed that cannot shorten ftp urls. |
getting started with LoRaWANan invention by rfrohl DescriptionGet started with LoRaWAN and play with the hardware I have lying around for ages. |
transactional-update from OCI imagesa project by dancermak Description |
ReaR upstream janitor work towards a new releasea project by jsmeix Preparations towards release of ReaR 2.8 |