
There is a character limit of <=80 characters in s390x, for OSD we workaround this problem using a url shortener, like but we don't have anything equivalent for O3. Some colleagues recommended but some initial test showed that cannot shorten ftp urls.

Thoughts: 1. A better solution is the one recommeded by Matthias,, 'the parmfile can be stored somewhere in e.g. a ftp server and then be loaded with a command ´(iirc parmfile= , this will also mitigate the character limit'. A challenge with this solution would be that this file will have dynamic content and perhaps some os-autoinst functionality might need to be implemented to manipulate it, that might require investigation.

2.create some server somewhere similar to what we have for sle, worth to investigate who host to see how to apply it to opensuse.


Try to find a way to solve this issue.


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