Phoebe - where AI meets Linuxa project by mvarlese Project DescriptionPhoeβe (/ˈfiːbi/) wants to add basic artificial intelligence capabilities to the Linux OS. |
multipath-tools: cleaner model for path device informationan idea by mwilck Project DescriptionObtaining correct information about devices in the system is crucial for multipath-tools. Properties of devices depend on each other. Certain properties matter in some parts of the code and some in others. |
multipathd: improve asynchronous behavioran idea by mwilck Project Descriptionmultipathd is multi-threaded, but it uses a single lock that essentially kills most benefits of |
multipath-tools: improve CIa project by mwilck Project Descriptionmultipath-tools is in urgent need of better CI, both unit tests and "real world" tests. We a very basic set of unit tests, but the coverage is miserable. Also, there's some minimal github workflow code, which could be improved a lot while I'm learning about github workflows. |
multithreaded network benchmarkan invention by mkubecek Project DescriptionThere are multiple network benchmark tools already, most popular probably being netperf and iperf. Each of them has its pros and cons but the biggest drawback probably is that netperf runs only one connection (flow) and while iperf can use multiple connections, it still runs in a single thread. For benchmarking of contemporary fast networks like 40Gb/s or 100Gb/s ethernet, this can be a severe limitation as the performance is often CPU bound. Even on 10Gb/s ethernet, we are often unable to saturate the medium if tunneling or complex packet processing is involved. |
NeoMutt: Show index and body of emails in a horizontal splitan invention by iivanov Project DescriptionI'd like to have NeoMutt show an index of emails at the same time as the body of the selected email, horizontally next to each other. |