monitor kubernetes and docker with prometheusan invention by dmaiocchi Starting from prometheus ( and grafana if needed), learn how to monitor kubernetes and docker and do some valid alert/graph etc. | kubernetes deploymenta project by digitaltomm Currently externaltools is deployed manually with RPM. This is a manual process and involves packaging gem dependencies. |
microservices and serverless for the infrastructurean invention by tampakrap The official infrastructure is getting bigger and complicateder, so #microservices and #serverless FTW! |
kubeojo: Health metrics for products and testsuitesa project by dmaiocchi Updated almost 3 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower. |
OpenShift Origin on Kubica project by RBrownSUSE The incredible Neal Gompa has packaged Open Shift Origin (RH's core Docker + Kubernetes stack) for openSUSE |
Architecting a Machine Learning project with SUSE CaaSPan invention by jordimassaguerpla The goal of this project is to get an overview of the state-of-the-art technology on training and deploying machine learning projects with kubernetes and apply that to a SUSE CaaSP cluster. |