opensuse docker images for mining cryptocurrenciesa project by tiagoherrmann I intend to create opensuse docker images ready for mining cryptocurrencies (cpu based algorithms like cryptonight as a first try), and if time permits, I will also try to deploy the containers using kubernetes. |
perf bench epolla project by dbueso While there are plenty of benchmarks that compare different IO multiplexing techniques such as epoll vs poll/select, there's really nothing out there that particularly measures epoll system call latencies under different scenarios. Design and implement a series of performance benchmarks for this call under the 'perf bench' framework. |
Add Xen PVH support to grub2a project by j_gross PVH domains are a new guest type supported by Xen being as lightweight as possible (e.g. no emulation of legacy devices via qemu) while taking advantage of the hardware virtualization features of the x86 processor. |
The future of self-healing support in SuSEan idea by gfigueir (draft) The future of self-healing support in SuSEHow to improve security, reliability and performance in your datacenter with devops, self-healing and orchestration |
Automated tests for jangouts using openQA and simulation of network limitationsan idea by okurz Idea |
Retro-fit Lenco IR2100 with Raspberry PIan idea by hreinecke I have a crappy old Lenco IR2100 Internet Radio which we shelfed as the 'Internet' part was really crappy. But as this has a nice wooden case and two reasonable speakers I thought I could retro-fit it with a raspberry + miniAMP to finally have a real internet radio. |
Messing around with an Arduino Board and Ca project by sschricker See title |
Amiga funa project by mstaudt Let's dust off our Amigas, hook up our mice and joysticks, and see what elegant software and hardware could do back in the 80s and 90s! |
Old games on modern Linuxa project by mstaudt There are plenty of old games that were compiled for Linux - particularly in Loki times around 2000. |