Implement QEMU Firmware Config device support in Linuxrc/AutoYaSTa project by dmacvicar While normally data is passed to linuxrc (including an AutoYaST profile), modern auto-install tools like Ignition from CoreOS support a very interesting method: the QEMU Firmware Config device. |
Automatic refhost deploymenta project by ktsamis This would be a multiple step solution, a first idea that I would explore would be: |
learn conkya project by pgajdos I would like to work mainly on, think of default configuration and perhaps create a small configuration script for conky. |
Learn how to write Dracut modulesa project by nadvornik
My Little Managera project by lucidd Yes this project is yet another project for creating a Suse Manager clone. |
Experiment with WeKanan invention by RBrownSUSE While I despise Trello, I quite like the idea of using a Kanban board to organise my individual work and much of my personal projects |
Learning Rust by rewriting DriConf with GTK+ 4a project by clanig The DriConf-Project inside of MESA has seen its latest update in 2006 and is implemented with GTK+ 2. |
Messing around with an Arduino Board and Ca project by sschricker See title |
Refactor apply_role in crowbar framework to create a better worlda project by itxaka Look at this beauty: |
yast2-network clean up and start a new API designa project by teclator |