Start with fault tolerant Xen server prototypea project by j_gross A normal Xen server today has many single points of failure. Those can be reduced by disaggregating Dom0 into multiple domains (xenstore, driver domains, admin domain). Following this path to it's logical end will lead to a setup where the running domUs won't be depending on Dom0 any more, so Dom0 itself can be made restartable. |
libkdumpfile/gdb-kdump improvementsa project by alnovak gdb-kdump (and libkdumpfile) needs a plenty of improvements and tasks to be done. For HackWeek 13, Vlastimil chose to work on SLAB memory support, Petr, amongst other things, reorganized the libkdumpfile code and alnovak begun with libkdumpfile's ppc64 support. Our status in 4/5 of HackWeek 13: |
Linux Certification Preparationa project by asemen Linux Certification Preparation |
allow openQA tests in pythona project by bmwiedemann using perl's Inline::Python module, it should be possible to define openQA test modules in python instead of perl. |
Integrate Policy As A Service with a HA use case for Openstacka project by mmnelemane Openstack Congress provides Policy as a service solution for Openstack based clouds. Policy based fulfillment makes it convenient to write policies for VM migrations and evacuations based on data monitored from various data sources. The aim of the project is to integrate the service to SUSE openstack cloud and evaluate the use of policies as a means to develop HA solutions. |
Improve the ffmpeg delogo filtera project by jdelvare I have a few ideas of improvements for the delogo filter included in ffmpeg's libavfilter. |
Learning more about SDNa project by gary_lin In openSUSE Asia summit 2015, there was a talk about the software defined networking, from the virtual switch, the controller, to the simulator. Just want to take a look at open vswitch and Ryu to learn more about SDN. |
Learning REXX and improve FTPBOOT for installing and testing our S390 buildsa project by mgriessmeier Learning REXX and improve FTPBOOT for installing and testing our S390 builds |
Golang: Mediafile match and sortan idea by tboerger To get control over my media files like photos and videos back I want to build a tool in Gopang to match for duplicates and to sort the files in folder by creation date (reading exif informations). I want to use go to build it for Linux, Mac and Windows :). |