A normal Xen server today has many single points of failure. Those can be reduced by disaggregating Dom0 into multiple domains (xenstore, driver domains, admin domain). Following this path to it's logical end will lead to a setup where the running domUs won't be depending on Dom0 any more, so Dom0 itself can be made restartable.

This project aims at beginning with a prototype by setting up a configuration with a xenstore domain and a driver domain for networking. This will allow running a pv-domU with network resources only (nfs or iscsi root file system) no longer needing Dom0 to run.

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Hack Week 13


  • over 9 years ago: mlatimer liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: j_gross started this project.
  • over 9 years ago: j_gross originated this project.

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