


Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • 9 months ago: wpreston2 liked GameYatra: Personal Hobby Game Project
  • about 2 years ago: wpreston2 liked Open Source Firmware for EV chargers using the ESP32 Chip (Autoaid / EN-Plus / EVSEDO)
  • over 3 years ago: wpreston2 left crash-python
  • over 3 years ago: wpreston2 started tcetc - transaction capable /etc
  • over 4 years ago: wpreston2 originated tcetc - transaction capable /etc
  • about 6 years ago: wpreston2 liked Disturb Face Recognition
  • over 6 years ago: wpreston2 liked L3 workflow in Jira
  • almost 7 years ago: wpreston2 joined crash-python
  • almost 10 years ago: wpreston2 liked remote pi
  • almost 10 years ago: wpreston2 started remote pi
  • almost 11 years ago: wpreston2 liked Create a tool to sync GroupWise calendars with a local radicale server
  • almost 11 years ago: wpreston2 liked Support for the SMBus ARP protocol