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  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked 'Who's that guy?' - a floor based mini game
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked create openSUSE 13.1 images for ARMv7 and ARMv8
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked a watch for taking care of my baby
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked openSUSE & SLE support for Puppet modules located at the Forge
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked An experimental tiny WM of Wayland
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked Play around about GNU/Linux security
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked Learn the Basics About Creating Android Apps
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked Linux System on USB stick
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked openSUSE Landing Page Prototype
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki liked wicked
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki added keyword "java" to OmegaT automatic glossary insertion
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki started OmegaT automatic glossary insertion
  • almost 11 years ago: vdziewiecki originated OmegaT automatic glossary insertion