'Who's that guy?' - a floor based mini game
an invention by thutterer
pimp my mini-game (engine)
a project by thutterer
I have cloned the classic Snake game in my spare time recently to learn about dynamic memory allocation and pointer stuff in C++.
NativeScript Hacking
an invention by thutterer
The goal of this project is to get a familiar with NativeScript, play with it and create one or two simple demo applications. Maybe even something useful ;)
30 years of game development in 5 days
an invention by thutterer
You know Tetris, right? You know Telegram, don't you?
Visualize new SLE15 module trees in SCC as an interactive tree diagram
a project by thutterer
Everything is (in) a module now. They depend on each other and you need a whiteboard and a few different colors to understand and remember how.
ReMiTo - An RMT web interface powered by VueJS and Quasar
an invention by thutterer
I want to dive deeper into React using its Material-UI components to prototype a web interface for SUSE's new Repository Mirroring Tool (RMT).
SVG in-depth
a project by thutterer
Inspired by a conference talk I've attended a while ago (and my own struggles when trying to create something pretty basic just recently) I want to learn more about SVGs in general and their powers for modern web development in particular.
All our beloved acronyms in one place... also some Jekyll hackin
an invention by thutterer
Acronyms are fun. Everyone at SUSE loves them. Just sometimes… you might not know what one stands for.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment