Learn about LilyPond
an idea by ta-ro
I'm interested in creating scores for percussion ensembles in LilyPond. This includes finding/creating a useful notation for components such as body percussion, basic dance steps, bouncing sticks etc.
Learn about video editing
an idea by ta-ro
Extract video snippets of two 90 minutes drum circles that we recently organized. Create a short video clip of 2-3 minutes length, using open source software.
Use Moodle for Training Purposes
an idea by ta-ro
I would like to try out the Moodle platform (https://moodle.nue.suse.com/) and adjust a training about tech writing for use with Moodle.
Install other Linux distros and play around with them
a project by ta-ro
See how other distros do and solve things and what we can probably learn from them (or where we offer better solutions).
Write Blog Posts About Open Source Summit Europe 2017
an idea by ta-ro
Two blog posts planned in different platforms.
Run daps on Ubuntu
an idea by ta-ro
Install and test the documentation environment daps on Ubuntu.
KVM: Learn about network options and exchanging data with the host
an idea by ta-ro
Learn more about network connections for VMs (e.g. on Orthos), how to exchange data with the host and the implications and limitations of the available options.
Hitchhiker's Guide to the SUSE Documentation Team
a project by ta-ro
Give a more complete overview of the infrastructure and the processes the documentation team uses to write, maintain, and publish the documentation for the SUSE products. Add missing information/chapters to the guide.
Try Jamulus
an idea by ta-ro
Project Description
Enhance internal process for providing localization drops
an idea by ta-ro
Project Description
We regularly hand off documentation sources to localization. I'd like to improve some minor details in this process.
Create doc-kit for Smart Docs
an invention by ta-ro
Project Description
Learning: Post-process workshops and talks from tekom/tcworld conference
an invention by ta-ro
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment