Play with ionic framework
a project by mschnitzer
There is a super cool framework for mobile phone apps available: ionic (http://ionicframework.com/)
Ideas about local community involvement
a project by vsvecova
The plan is to gather ideas about how SUSE can become a more integral part of the local tech community scene (in PRG, NUE, or other locations). As a person who has been involved in educating women about tech for some time, I am thinking of introductory workshops and meetups, aimed not necessarily only at female audience.
Inqlude, the Qt software archive
a project by cschum
During Hack Week 7 I worked on an archive of Qt-based libraries. The goal was to easily make all available Qt libraries accessible to developers. Think CPAN for Qt. So I hacked on a web site and a command line client.
Learn & Improve Qt, C++ - Project Oficina
a project by slemke
Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment