Brainstorming about Continuous Delivery in SLE
a project by pgeorgiadis
Hackweek is here! I think this is the best week of the year to sit down altogether and exchange ideas and suggestions. The main topic is Automation. The goal is that many of these ideas might help various teams within SUSE to engage their business reasons better in defining key expectations and improve the quality of our software products. No fear of change -- the aim is to propose a modern pipeline in a less-invasive manner. Everybody has an idea, everybody has a voice! Brainstorming together can be useful to many different roles, including testers, analysts and developers. Let's have a chit-chat and write down some of those; Hopefully we will come up with plenty of tips on how to organise testing activities better.
Design an ACS for the qam-sle pipeline (Phase 1)
a project by pgeorgiadis
Phase 1: Melkor
Run all the upstream tests for all the packages we support
a project by pgeorgiadis
Take the source rpm of a package (e.g. systemd), find the upstream tests, run them, store the results to a database that a web ui can access and display them. Now, do this automatically, for every qam-sle update.
Playing with OpenFaaS: a Serverless Framework for Docker and Kubernetes
a project by pgeorgiadis
OpenFaaS - Functions as a Service
Connect Egkatastasis with Build Service
an idea by pgeorgiadis
Running Virtual Machines and Containers together with Kubernetes
an idea by pgeorgiadis
SUSE is well known for the standard enterprise linux distribution (aka SLES). As a result, most of the customers we have are not cloud-native, so cool stuff like microservices and serverless are no gonna happen within the day for them. There is a very good chance that some old monoliths running in Cobol today, will continue running in the same way for the next 10 years. However, companies are evolving and some parts of the business might (or they can be already) converted into containers. So what happens now? They have to keep maintaining two infrastructures:
PQ metadata aggregator for Bluray 4k UHD discs
an idea by pgeorgiadis
Long story short, I would like to practice my golang skills. For that I am going to write a parser that finds ratings for the picture quality of the new 4k UHD discs.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment