

Pair Programming Test Drive/Probefahrt

a project by mamorales

Are you interested in pairing? Are you wondering whether it is something that would help you and your team members in your current project? Would you like to try it out before you fully commit to such an extreme idea? Then this is your lucky day Sir/Madam! Within the Cloud Foundry project you are expected to pair pretty much every time you are working on something. In the BOSH OpenStack CPI team this isn't the exception, so I've been doing it for the past 15 months. I'd like to transfer some of that experience to you fellow SUSE colleague. We can discuss about the pros and cons that this agile methodology has. For example, there are many misconceptions on how to pair, for once, having the right hardware makes a huge difference. During Hack Week 16 you have the chance to test drive a dual-control workstation (see image) which I believe is one of the biggest differentiators to have a good experience when pairing full time.

Updated over 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

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