almost 6 years
6 hacker ♥️.
As every hackweek, lets package/update/cleanup some stuff fore factory:
- tardy
- libexplain
- mongodb
- sikuli
- gtest/gmock
- clknetsim
- redis
- split gui for p7zip
- gpsbabel
- lshw
and some more stuff in projects: benchmark, Archiving and server:database
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 11 Hack Week 12 Hack Week 13 Hack Week 14
over 8 years ago by pluskalm | Reply
new packages in benchmarks project:
- ramspeed (might be submitted to non-free)
- stress-ng (submited to factory)
- nbench (might be submitted to non-free)
- some packages submited to Backports - sysdig, libbsd, libtommath, libb64
- libbsd submitted as maintenance update for 42.1
- synced most of my packages for Leap 42:2
- switched benchmarks project from building against SLE to building against Backports
- preparing some other projects (Application:Geo and others will follow) to switch to building againg Backport => neeeds some announcement and more submissions to Backports
- submit some packages from Appliacation:Geo to Backports
- misc package updates for Factory (The accepted to non-free, submitted for Leap as well)
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