SSH-Transport for Salt
a project by jochenbreuer
If you are now thinking of Salt-SSH, this is not completely wrong, but also not right. What we are talking about here, is an other Transport for Salt, a replacement for ZeroMQ.
Extract lead and cycle times from Github
an invention by jochenbreuer
When all of the SUSE Manager squads switched from SCRUM to a Kanban we lost estimations and therefore also the ability to do predictions. But there are other ways to get insights that are even more reliable, since they are based on anecdotal data. The lead and cycle times of issues are the two most important here.
Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
a project by jochenbreuer
Last hackweek filtra was created – a tool to extract information like lead and cycle times from Github repos for (but not limited to) projects that are doing Kanban. The collected metrics can then be visualized with Grafana.
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