


Kubic Desktop - aka Sgt Peppers Read Only Hearts Club Band

a project by RBrownSUSE

The Kubic Project currently produces a "CaaSP-like" Tumbleweed OS, focused on Kubernetes clusters

Updated almost 3 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️.

buit: fancy ultra fast mail client or "my local gmail"

a project by dmacvicar

My current mail setup is mu4e and emacs based mail client included with the amazing mu mail indexer. mu works similar to notmuch but allows easy bidirectional operation with the original Maildir. Add mbsync (isync) to sync imap locally and msmtp and you have a full mail setup.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Analyze supportconfig data with ELK (elasticsearch, logstash, kibana)

a project by kwk

We all pant for customer data. Which hardware do customers run ? Which packages are installed ? Which services are running ? etc. pp.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

GitHub GraphQl (v4)

an invention by dmaiocchi

Explore the GraphQl (v4) GitHub Api and do a small project in (Elixir would be the choice)

Updated almost 6 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Jupiter system

an invention by SLindoMansilla


Updated almost 3 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Record SUSE's Nürnberg office from above and have fun (with drones)

an idea by kbabioch

Since I'm a little bit of a drone-a-matic myself, and I enjoy flying around with drones, I propose to fly around/above the SUSE building, record some footage, and make a cool promo video out of it.

Updated almost 3 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

openSUSE on ZoL from OpenZFS project

a project by jkohoutek

Idea is to have SUSE system with OpenZFS as root FS.

Updated over 2 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.

Go async (and non-blocking) with HTTP requests

a project by j_renner

There is a couple of libraries available for asynchronous and non-blocking processing of HTTP requests (in Java) that can be used to avoid having threads waiting for responses in request intensive applications, for example:

Updated almost 6 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Salt Support Tools (try to ditch supportconfig)

a project by bmaryniuk

Currently Salt is using supportconfig utility alongside with the SUSE Manager installation. Every single bugreport for Salt, that contains its logs are always useless that regard. It might work for SUSE Manager, but for Salt it doesn't. And even after asking user to switch the cluster into a debug mode or even trace mode, it is still far away from being useful enough, so the supporter don't need to dance with the tambourine around the fire, guessing what ghost just munged what component.

Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Learn Elixir

a project by david_kang

I would like to learn Elixir, I plan to do some tutorial and look into books. I if I have time also start with Phoenix the framework for Elixir add-emoji

Updated almost 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Make Ruqola Rocket.Chat client useable / submit to openSUSE Tumbleweed

an invention by zbenjamin

Update: Ruqola ('zypper in ruqola') is now in Tumbleweed and Leap 15.2!

Updated almost 3 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer started Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "go" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "golang" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "github" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "metrics" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "graphql" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "grafana" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "postgresql" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "leadtime" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "cycletime" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "projectmanagement" to Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • almost 5 years ago: jochenbreuer originated Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer liked Make Ruqola Rocket.Chat client useable / submit to openSUSE Tumbleweed
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "graphql" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "github" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer started Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "estimations" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "leadtime" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "cycletime" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "projectmanagement" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "scrum" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer added keyword "kanban" to Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 5 years ago: jochenbreuer originated Extract lead and cycle times from Github
  • over 6 years ago: jochenbreuer liked Learn Elixir
  • over 6 years ago: jochenbreuer started SSH-Transport for Salt
  • All Activity