Packaging libnvidia-containers and nvidia-container-runtime-hook
an invention by jordimassaguerpla
This is a follow up to https://hackweek.suse.com/projects/architecting-a-machine-learning-project-with-suse-caasp.
Nvidia GPU support for CaaSP
an idea by huizhizhao
Nvidia has a way to support GPU on Kubernetes via docker and crio, but so far they don't support SLES and CaaSP, this is the goal of this project.
Explore RISC-V
a project by clin
RISC-V is an open ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) based on RISC architecture. It's originated from UC Berkeley and it's attracting more attention in recent years because of its full open architecture so every developer has opportunities to get involved in application processor design or apply it into different applications, such as IoT, Robotics, ... etc.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment