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  • about 5 years ago: bfrogers started Virtualization CI/Testing Work
  • about 5 years ago: bfrogers originated Virtualization CI/Testing Work
  • almost 6 years ago: bfrogers originated Integrate edk2 code better into our qemu package
  • almost 6 years ago: bfrogers originated Improve git workflow for qemu packaging
  • about 8 years ago: bfrogers started Make most of KVM Virtualization for Development and Testing in laptop environment
  • about 8 years ago: bfrogers originated Make most of KVM Virtualization for Development and Testing in laptop environment
  • about 8 years ago: bfrogers started Maintain flow of virt between SLE and HPE Linux
  • over 8 years ago: bfrogers liked Avocado testing framework
  • almost 9 years ago: bfrogers liked QEMU/KVM Test Infrastructure
  • almost 9 years ago: bfrogers liked Improve Virt CI Testing
  • over 9 years ago: bfrogers joined QEMU/KVM Test Infrastructure
  • over 9 years ago: bfrogers originated QEMU/KVM Test Infrastructure
  • almost 10 years ago: bfrogers originated Validation of QEMU storage integrity
  • over 10 years ago: bfrogers started kvmctx - a tool similar to xenctx, but for KVM
  • over 10 years ago: bfrogers originated Look into Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) for KVM Virtualization
  • over 10 years ago: bfrogers originated kvmctx - a tool similar to xenctx, but for KVM
  • over 11 years ago: bfrogers started Enable >256 vcpus for KVM guests
  • over 11 years ago: bfrogers originated Enable >256 vcpus for KVM guests
  • over 11 years ago: bfrogers started KVM S3 and S4 handling in SLES and openSUSE
  • over 11 years ago: bfrogers originated KVM S3 and S4 handling in SLES and openSUSE