Investigation of the testing framework Avocado (successor of autotest) Virtualization tests within the framework - xen, kvm, libvirt, qemu tests (we have used kvm tests done in autotest framework) Try if it is possible to run just setup section - like preparing hypervisor and guests with different parameters without executing tests for the bug validation etc.

Link to Avocado and Autotest:

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Hack Week 14


  • over 7 years ago: aliouliaki left this project.
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  • over 8 years ago: djz88 started this project.
  • over 8 years ago: leylekler originated this project.

  • Comments

    • djz88
      over 8 years ago by djz88 | Reply

      avocado seems to be promising for virtualisation testing since it contains more than 10k tests for qemu, libvirt, integration of own tests is easy(xen). Even only for "preparation of a host". Guys from virt team are also playing around it.

      During a hackweek I was able to run some qemu tests with default configuration(jeos fedora). I tried to run install tests on SLES12SP1 but got stuck on autoyast. On a other hand qcow2 image can be automatically downloaded from the webserver.

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