Learn more about marketing
a project by Jackman1
I would like to learn more about something outside of engineering. I have selected to learn more about marketing; something our overall team is doing more of...
Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
a project by Jackman1
Project Description
Using beta SCK 8.6, attempt to look at hacking options with containers and/or public cloud using Azure or AWS. Do the same thing, completely separate, but using SLE Micro. Probably be a hodgepodge during hack week; but I'll have to get some work done during the week...so it will be perfect for me.
Catch up on information/training video's from SUSEcon, technical reviews, etc.
an idea by Jackman1
I have not been able to keep up with various information, technical review, tech days and SUSEcon videos. That's what I will be doing. I will have to continue to work part of the time as well, but will take time to review available learning resources.
Research hardware certification into containers (SLES Kubernetes offerings)
an idea by Jackman1
Project Description:
The YES Certification team has received requests to certify hardware up the stack into containers. I'll need to be working most of hackweek but want to spend some time looking into what hardware certifications "could" look like with containers.
Carveout time during the week to jump into ALP
an idea by Jackman1
Project Description
I will be working during the week of Hack Week but will use this opportunity to also spend time reviewing ALP on various hardware platforms.
Two part 1) work on SLMicro YES Cert documentation and 2) learn about SUSE Edge
an idea by Jackman1
The documentation for YES certification needs improvements to flow better. I'm want to learn about SUSE Edge products to further my knowledge.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment