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4 months ago: Jackman1 originated Two part 1) work on SLMicro YES Cert documentation and 2) learn about SUSE Edge
over 1 year ago: Jackman1 originated Carveout time during the week to jump into ALP
about 2 years ago: Jackman1 originated Research hardware certification into containers (SLES Kubernetes offerings)
over 2 years ago: Jackman1 originated Catch up on information/training video's from SUSEcon, technical reviews, etc.
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 added keyword "slemicro" to Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 added keyword "learning" to Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 added keyword "containers" to Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 added keyword "publiccloud" to Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 added keyword "yescertification" to Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 started Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
almost 4 years ago: Jackman1 originated Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Micro
about 5 years ago: Jackman1 started Learn more about marketing
about 5 years ago: Jackman1 originated Learn more about marketing