
We have just created a small sandarium as a home decoration piece. Inside there is real sand from a Latvian beach, a couple of small sailboats, few dozens of sea shells and some lichen from a Finnish forest. That would not really qualify for a HackWeek project, so we also put there a plastic lighthouse which I plan to integrate to my tiny home automation system (running openHAB).

This home automation system has a couple of web cams, an RPi 4b, with an extra shields for the HVAC (which isn't working yet). The cams and the RPi mothership are all wired to a super secret VLAN... :)

The lighthouse will join this gang wireless (what a shame...) and it will feature an ESP32 board, a small camera and a temperature sensor for a start. On the ESP I will run a special OTA enabled firmware which will give me a nice grafana dashboard and the possibility of flash the device from remote.


Assemble a board with chicken wires and fit all that into the lighthouse. Get the stuff connected to the existing openHAB system. Document and create photos of the project :)


All the pieces are here, available. I only need time to get this done.

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 3 months ago: frantisek.simorda liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: vliaskovitis liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: FSzekely originated this project.

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